Cf: Problems In Philosophy • 7

Related Readings from Another POV:
Re: FB | Charles S. Peirce Society
(a) John Corcoran • Cosmic Justice Hypotheses
(b) John Corcoran • The Inseparability of Logic and Ethics

Peirce emphasized the intricate relationships of the
Big Three Normative Sciences — Aesthetics, Ethics, Logic —
a topic early and often discussed in the secondary literature
and on the Peirce List.  One might also compare Theodore Parker's
well-known thesis:


I do not pretend to understand the moral universe;
the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways;
I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by
the experience of sight;  I can divine it by conscience.
And from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice.

— Theodore Parker


Questions about the interdependence of the principal normative sciences —
Aesthetics, Ethics, Logic — just came up on another blog and prompted me
to go looking for some of my earlier grapplings with the subject.
There's an initial fragment of that harvest in the following post.

* Problems In Philosophy • 6


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