
I was hoping to post this on World Logic Day yesterday, but it took me
until today to be satisfied with it. As I have noted before, citing the
work (mostly in Spanish) of Arnold Oostra, Peirce came remarkably close to
anticipating what is now known as *intuitionistic* logic. This name for it
is unfortunate because of its association with the philosophical system of
intuitionism, which Peirce almost certainly would *not* have endorsed. The
common alternative of calling it *constructive* logic is perhaps less
objectionable, but still does not really capture the Peircean motivations
for exploring it.

Since the logic of true continuity is constructive/intuitionistic as
reflected in the mathematical systems of synthetic differential geometry
and smooth infinitesimal analysis, it seems appropriate instead to refer to
it as *synechistic* logic. Accordingly, I am hereby trying out the new
label of "synechistic existential graphs" (SEGs) for what I previously
called IEGs. Preparing and further studying the ones that I attached to my
previous post ( has
prompted a few more observations that I think are worth mentioning.

First, the fact that in SEGs "if X then Y" can be derived from "not-X or Y"
but not vice-versa raises the question of whether inclusive disjunction
(also called alternation) might be more fundamental than consequence.
Reviewing Oostra's papers led me to realize that the scroll is a sign for
*both* consequence and disjunction since having X in the outer close and
two different loops, one with Y in its inner close and the other with Z in
its inner close, signifies "if X then (Y or Z)." With the outer close empty
instead, it signifies "if anything is true then (Y or Z)," which is
equivalent to simply "Y or Z." Besides, it remains necessary for at least
one primitive to be unsymmetrical like consequence rather than symmetrical
like disjunction.

Second, recall that the blank sheet for coexistence always has room for
attaching another graph (tercoexistence) and a heavy line for identity
always has room for attaching another branch (teridentity). In similar
fashion, an evenly enclosed scroll always has room for attaching another
loop and inner close by insertion. In other words, disjunction is a
*continuous* logical relation like the other two (cf. R 499(s):33-35,
1906), which is presumably why it can be represented by the blank sheet in
*entitative* graphs (CP 4.434, 1903). On the other hand, any loop and inner
close of an oddly enclosed scroll may be erased, while any loop and inner
close whatsoever may be iterated or deiterated within the outer close of
the scroll to which it is attached.

Third, when any scroll has multiple loops and one of them has a blackened
inner close, the latter may be deleted since "X or falsity" is equivalent
to simply "X." As a result, a loop with a blackened inner close only needs
to remain in a scroll that has no *other* loops, thereby signifying
negation rather than consequence and/or disjunction. Oostra *defines* a cut
as equivalent to a negation scroll, but I still prefer the latter as more
analytical in the sense that "the whole effort has been to dissect the
operations of inference into as many distinct steps as possible" (CP 4.424,
1903). This is a feature that differentiates my SEGs from his IEGs.

Fourth, any loop and inner close of an evenly enclosed scroll may become a
nested and oddly enclosed negation scroll, which also causes the original
scroll to become a negation scroll unless it has additional loops and inner
closes. As Oostra shows, this "release" is not a distinct rule, it is
obtained by carrying out a series of the usual permissions--insertion,
iteration, deiteration, and erasure. Although he mentions the reverse
transformation of "adherence," he does not spell out that it may only be
implemented for a nested and evenly enclosed negation scroll, such that it
becomes a loop and inner close of the next larger (oddly enclosed) scroll.

Fifth, the practical advantage of shading is further magnified by these
additional aspects of SEGs, since an evenly enclosed scroll is easily
recognized as one having a shaded outer close. Only loops with unshaded
inner closes may be inserted or released, and only loops with shaded inner
closes may be erased or adhered. Following this convention is obviously
much less tedious than counting enclosures, which is necessary when thin
oval lines are used instead. It is also a more iconic way of distinguishing
the surfaces that correspond to possibility (shaded) and actuality
(unshaded). This is another feature that differentiates my SEGs from
Oostra's IEGs.

Finally, in classical EGs a scroll and nested cuts are logically
equivalent, so release and adherence may be employed for any scroll
accordingly. See attached (SEGs vs EGs.jpg) for how identity as "if X then
X" and non-contradiction as "not-(X and not-X)" can be derived directly
from the blank sheet in *both* EGs and SEGs, while double negation
elimination as "if not-not-X then X" requires releasing a loop with a
shaded inner close and excluded middle as "X or not-X" requires adhering a
loop with an unshaded inner close, neither of which is allowed in SEGs.

The upshot is that SEGs *become* classical EGs when either of these
propositions--or equivalently, Peirce's Law (so-called) as "((P implies Q)
implies P) implies P"--is treated as an additional axiom. Hence synechistic
logic is to classical logic as non-Euclidean geometry is to Euclidean
geometry, with excluded middle and its corollaries as the counterpart to
the parallel postulate. Moreover, just as Peirce holds that "it seems for
the present impossible to suppose the postulates of geometry precisely
true" (CP 1.130, c. 1893), he also maintains that the "assumption"
underlying excluded middle--namely, "that reality is so determinate as to
verify or falsify every possible proposition"--is "utterly unwarranted" and
not "strictly true" (NEM 3:758-760, 1893).

Both these views are manifestations of his thoroughgoing synechism. As J.
Jay Zeman puts it in his 1968 paper, "Peirce's Graphs--the Continuity
Interpretation" (, "For Peirce ...
mathematical or deductive reasoning is an integral part of reality itself.
The development of a thorough understanding of mathematical reasoning is a
first and absolutely essential step towards the development of a thorough
understanding of reality" (p. 145). He later adds, "The Peirce of the
existential graphs ... is as well the Peirce of synechism, the metaphysical
doctrine asserting the reality of continua and the continuity of reality"
(p. 148).


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian -
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