Jon AS,
I admit that Peirce does not use the word scroll
in r670.   But he draws some scrolls, and he shows  one EG as a scroll
and another with shaded ovals and says that they are
If you look at the times and dates, his
remark about  heaven & hell  was the first entry during the daylight
hours of June 13th.  That means that he wrote it immediately after
reviewing what he wrote the day before, among which were his two
"equivalent" EGs.
That is a clear indication that he was
reconsidering something that he had previously considered heavenly (or
paradisaical).  Note that R669 mentioned cuts for negation and then added
"more properly scrolls".  The absence of the word scroll
in R670. L231, L378, and L376 is further evidence that it was banished
to the nether regions.
Re a sign of illation:  The primary purpose
of any notation for logic is the representation of information in a
form that is sufficiently precise for mathematical reasoning.  All
reasoning is done by rules of inference, which are stated outside
the logic notation.
That  is also true of every version of
mathematics. There are no negations  in mainstream mathematical
notations.  All the rules of inference are stated in notations other than
the one that is used to represent the math.  Until the 20th c, those
notations were always ordinary language, supplemented with some
variables and symbols from the mathematics.
Just look at Peirce's
rules.   He stated them in English, and they depend only on
negation.  That is his fundamental insight in R270:  a sign of illation in
the notation itself is irrelevant. In L231, he dropped the word
illative in front of permission.  That's another word he
sent to hell.
Today, the most efficient high-speed theorem provers
convert formulas to conjunctive normal form (CNF), whose only logical
operators are AND, OR, NOT, and the universal quantifier as the default. 
And by the way, the conversion of CNF to and from 1911 EGs is
The evidence that the EGs of 1911 are Peirce's best version
is overwhelming.  Nobody -- not you, nor Ahti, nor Francesco, nor anybody
else -- has shown any evidence to the contrary.

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