
I followed without intervening in the debates on André de Tienne's slides.
The initiative is interesting because one spends a long time in a frame,
breaking with the only particular reactions of the present. Taking the time
to discuss step by step on a constructed presentation can be eminently
profitable to the collective progress. Each one can bring his stone or his
nuance in a climate of mutual respect. Observation shows that this is not
the case.

The cause of this is, in my opinion, that from the beginning, the first
slide introduces a characterized bias. Indeed, the discussion is biased by
the proposal to choose André de Tienne's idiosyncratic approach as a
framework. It has not really been discussed. It imposes the entry into the
Peircean system of thought through phaneroscopy presented as a science of
observation without any prior foundation. It would be made possible by the
capacity granted to any mind to prescind universal categories in any
phaneron, i.e., in everything that is in front of the mind. We can
immediately observe that if the mind can prescind universal categories in
any phaneron, they are already there (CP 1.353). Indeed, "The categories
are mostly combined in the observables; to separate them, the human mind
operates by "dissociation," "prescission," and "distinction." It is a
process that works like chemical analysis, a kind of "cracking" that
dissociates the molecules to highlight the atoms that constitute it and
then distinguish the constituents" (auto citation, see the links below). If
there is a mystification to be mentioned, it may be here!

De Tienne's idiosyncrasy consists of recognizing the pre-eminent place of
mathematics in Peirce's thought to better exclude it by confining it, along
with mathematicians, to their field.  I  support this judgment in the
preprint that I have just put online. I extract just this quote (among

*Every systematic philosopher must provide himself a classification of the
sciences. Comte first proposed to arrange the sciences in a series of
steps, each leading another. This general idea may be adopted, and we may
adapt our phraseology to the image of the well of truth with flights of
stairs leading down into it:*

*We divide the whole into three great parts:*

* - mathematics, the study of ideal constructions without reference to
their real existence,    - empirics, the study of phenomena with the
purpose of identifying their forms with those mathematics has studied,*

* - pragmatics, the study of how we ought to behave in the light of the
truths of empirics.*

(Peirce, MS 1345, undated, transcription 1976: NEM, III.2, 1122) [emphasize

In short, to confer on phaneroscopy, without mystification, the status of
science, we must be collectively capable of identifying mathematical forms
with forms resulting from the abstractive observation of phanerons and, for
that, it is necessary of course that these forms are already there in the
mind of the observers. Not to make mathematics "the unseen character"(in
french "L'arlésienne") is a prerequisite for any healthy discussion.
Otherwise, one will open the way to a war of extermination between clans in
the depths of the "well of truth." In such battles, "the reason of the
stronger is always the best."

(PDF) The "Podium" of Universal Categories and their degenerate cases



Robert Marty

Honorary Professor ; PhD Mathematics ; PhD Philosophy
* <>*

Le lun. 21 juin 2021 à 23:34, <> a écrit :

> Continuing our slow read, here is the next slide of André De Tienne’s
> slideshow posted on the Peirce Edition Project (
> <> site.
> Gary f.
> Text:
> Necessary assumption for the purposes of this talk:
> You are already minimally familiar with Peirce's three categories of
> firstness, secondness, and thirdness.
> • 1864-1867: Initial search for a new conception of the logical role a set
> of genuinely universal categories should fulfill
> - Discovery that this set is small and *gradually ordered*.
> - Each category is a distinct and indispensable *stage* in the process of
> turning a cloudy *manifold* into a clarified unifying intellection.
> - Each category is found *inductively* and confirmed through the test of
> *PRESCISSION*, a powerful kind of heuristic abstraction.
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