Schopenhauer will be the main course of the next Logica Universalis Webinar
(LUW), July 14, at 4pm German time.
Schopenhauer's ideas in logic are still not  well known.
Recently was published the book
"Language, Logic, and Mathematics in Schopenhauer"
edited by Jens Lemenski, ex-student of Matthias Kossler,
the current president of the Schopenhauer Society.
Both will be present to talk about this society and this book.
And there will be a talk by Laura Follesa corresponding to one chapter of
this book:
"From Necessary Truths to Feelings: The Foundations of Mathematics in
Leibniz and Schopenhauer",
See abstract below or on the page of the LUW where you can registrate for
this session:
The session will be chaired by Francesco Paoli, member of the editorial
board of the book series Studies in Universal Logic where the book was
*Jean-Yves Beziau*
*Organizer of the Logica Universalis Webinar and Editor-in-Chief Studies in
Universal Logic*

*"From Necessary Truths to Feelings: The Foundations of Mathematics in
Leibniz and Schopenhauer" by Laura Follesa*

*I take into account Schopenhauer’s study of Leibniz’s work, as it emerges
not only from his explicit critique in his dissertation On the Fourfold
Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (1813) and in The World as Will
and Idea (3rd edition 1859), but also from his annotations of Leibniz’s
writings.Schopenhauer owned many books of Leibniz in his private library
and they are full of intriguing annotations. Many of these annotations
concern the discussion on logic and mathematical truths and so they are
particularly relevant for the study of Schopenhauer’s philosophy of
mathematics. After a comparison between Leibniz and Schopenhauer’s
definition of necessary and innate truths, I put alongside what the two
authors stated about system and fundamental axioms. Two questions arise
from Leibniz’s interpretation of Euclid’s axioms: the role of ‘images’ in
knowledge and the notion of ‘confused’ knowledge. These two questions are
worth of attention, as they allow to focus on Schopenhauer’s theory of
‘feeling’ mathematical knowledge, as I show in the last section of this
paper. To Schopenhauer, knowledge works with intuitive representations,
intuition, perception, and, for this reason, feeling is the basis of all
conceptions. Schopenhauer provided a new point of view regarding feeling
and intuitive knowledge that involves a special meaning for his philosophy
of mathematics.*
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