Cf: Relations & Their Relatives • Discussion 1

Re: Peirce List
::: Helmut Raulien

The “divisor of” relation signified by x|y is a dyadic relation
on the set of positive integers M and thus may be understood as
a subset of the cartesian product M × M.  It is an example of
a “partial order”, while the “less than or equal to” relation
signified by x ≤ y is an example of a “total order” relation.

The mathematics of relations can be applied most felicitously
to semiotics but there we must bump the “adicity” or “arity”
up to three.  We take any sign relation L to be subset of a
cartesian product O × S × I, where O is the set of “objects”
under consideration in a given discussion, S is the set of
“signs”, and I is the set of “interpretant signs” involved
in the same discussion.

One thing we need to understand is the sign relation L ⊆ O × S × I
relevant to a given level of discussion may be rather more abstract
than what we would call a “sign process” proper, that is, a structure
extended through a dimension of time.  Indeed, many of the most powerful
sign relations generate sign processes through iteration or recursion
or similar operations.  In that event, the most penetrating analysis
of the sign process or semiosis in view is achieved through grasping
the generative sign relation at its core.


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