Gary F, 
It's ironic that you should talk about tribalism.  As
you might know, there have been other discussions offline about the
"triumvirate" of GR, GF, and JAS.  You constantly cite each
other's notes with great praise, and ignore or browbeat others.
of the worst examples is a comment you made about JAS as the best able to
understand phaneroscopy.  He's read a lot, and he quotes a lot.  That's a
talent that Google has in abundance.
But nobody saw ADT's error
about the mathematical foundation.   Without the math, phaneroscopy is
limited to Hegel.
Peirce admitted that Hegel had good insights.  But
without the advantage of modern logic, he couldn't go any
And please note that the most widely recognized successor
to Hegel is Husserl, who had a PhD in mathematics.  Please note
Stjernfelt's book on Diagrammatology, in which he emphasizes the
mathematical foundations of both Peirce and Husserl.  He notes that their
theories have a great deal in common, even though their terminology is
radically different.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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