Edwina, List:

Thanks for proving my point by posting yet another emotional rant full of
baseless allegations and empty complaints, rather than a substantive


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian
www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt - twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt

On Sat, Aug 28, 2021 at 2:48 PM Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:

> JAS, list
> I'd like to comment on some of your points  in your response to Robert
> Marty --
> 1. You, I think, missed, Robert's and Bernard Morand's points about what
> BM refers to as using quotations, where " an abusive usage makes them
> authoritative (dogmatic) arguments, lacking of textual context, and despite
> the fact that Peirce himself claimed to be a faillibilist."
> Taking a quotation out of context and inserting it into a different
> context, which is a semiosic action, obviously changes the meaning of the
> whole argument.
> But, also, BM wrote:  "To my sense this tendency to restrict the
> discussions to quotes, multiplying them infinitely, repeating them as if
> they were mantras impoverishes the debates."
> First - flinging quotations at someone is not an argument. It actually is
> a tactic to silence discussion.
> What is this practice disloyal to? I see it as disloyal to science and
> genuine discussion - as well as Peirce. After all, your statement of
> " being faithful to Peirce's own texts when attributing specific views to
> him" is semiosically incorrect. You cannot claim [though I know you try to
> do so] that YOUR readings of Peirce are 'the correct, truthful reading' -
> since ALL readings are semiosic and thus, interpretations are derived via
> your own mediative mind and knowledge base. You seem to insist on a direct
> dyadic transference of Peirce's views...to yourself. How is this possible?
> How can you justify your self-assertion that YOU, above all,
> Have-Direct-Knowledge of Peirce, while others are fallible readers? I think
> this practice is a problem.
> 2] RM's reference to John Sowa is not an 'appeal to authority' but an
> evaluation of another scholar's work. The use of an 'appeal to authority'
> fallacy only occurs when it is used to justify an argument - and RM's
> reference to John Sowa was not in the context of an argument but as an
> example of someone else who has complained about the 'discursive practices'
> on this List where posters use Peircean texts as 'dogmatic mantras'.
> 3] I also disagree that the only 'moral authority' is Gary Richmond.
> That's unfair to him and an assertion of the irresponsibility of all
> posters on this List. This is not a day-care centre.  We are all,
> presumably, adults on this list, and therefore, are each of us,
>  responsible for our own behaviour and our own interactions with others.
> Therefore, for anyone of us to openly condemn, sneer at, mock, another ,
> insist that that person speaks only as a 'tribal member' ; is too incorrect
> to respond to- and so on, - is our own responsibility.
> Therefore - your claim that 'it's not me, it's others who are doing bad
> things' is not an excuse for the problems on this list.
> And your refusal to accept that others - who are adults and scholars - are
> possibly making valid claims about these problems, with your assertion of:"
> yet another emotional rant full of baseless allegations and empty
> complaints- means that the problems will remain.
> Edwina
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