List, Edwina:

The disconnect is not complete.
The signs for firstness, secondness, etc are preserved.

Was it Hegel who asserted: "Ignorance is not innocence.”?

A new generation of CSP scholars emerging in Europe offers promise.


> On Sep 14, 2021, at 8:08 AM, Edwina Taborsky <> wrote:
> List
> And as I've previously said - I consider these De Tienne descriptions as 
> absolutely bizarre.
> I don't see that they have a thing to do with the Peircean categories - and 
> frankly, show a huge misunderstanding of those categories.
> Edwina
> On Tue 14/09/21 8:56 AM , <> sent:
> Continuing our slow read on phaneroscopy, here is the next slide of André De 
> Tienne’s slideshow posted on the Peirce Edition Project ( 
> <> site. Slide 46 is 
> a continuation of 45.
> Gary f.
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