Gary F,

I too won't say much about the matter of primal 3ns, that is ur-continuity,
being at the origins of the cosmos (or not) except to briefly comment on a
snippet of a Peirce quote you gave from Kaina Stoicheia

CSP:  [At the beginning there was "[u]tter indetermination. But a symbol
alone is indeterminate. Therefore, Nothing, the indeterminate of the
absolute beginning, is a symbol. That is the way in which the beginning of
things can alone be understood. EP2:322]

GF: "It is not obvious how this can be reconciled with a cosmology arising
from an ur-continuity or a primal Thirdness."

GR: For now I'll say that I don't see a contradiction here. Peirce says in
KS that the indeterminate nothing -- not a 'nothing' of subtraction or
negation as he puts it in other writings, or, as he puts it here, not '
*determinately* nothing',  -- but rather a 'symbol', for "a symbol alone is

Now a symbol is a 3ns, in this case admittedly and necessarily a most
unique one (as it occurs before there is even Time, which will become the
continuity *par excellence* once there is a cosmos). It is, one might say,
an ur-symbol; and, so, ur-3ns, ur-continuity.

Well, again, I'll be most interested in what you, Jon, and others think
before I comment further.


Gary R

On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 10:50 AM <> wrote:

> Jon, i have a question about your slides 20 and 23.
> On #20, under the heading of Objective Idealism, your proposal is that
> “Continuous/triadic semiosis is real and primordial (3ns).”
> On #23, under “Defining Continuity,” you cite the “Categorial Vector: 3ns→
> 1ns→2ns,” (the vector of *representation* in Gary R's terminology), and i
> think it was at this point that you mentioned the idea of an “
> ur-continuity” which was there at the beginning in Peirce's cosmology
> (referring, i think, to his 1898 Cambridge Lectures).
> I wonder whether (or how) all this can be reconciled with the cosmology
> Peirce develops in “Kaina Stoicheia”, which i barely mentioned in my CSPS
> presentation on Saturday, but which seems to me highly relevant to *Objective
> Idealism*. KS was written a few years *after* the Cambridge lectures, and
> Peirce does not explicitly mention either continuity or 3ns anywhere in KS;
> instead, his cosmology begins with *indeterminacy*. On EP2:322 he says:
> [[CSP:] If we are to explain the universe, we must assume that there was
> in the beginning a state of things in which there was nothing, no reaction
> and no quality, no matter, no consciousness, no space and no time, but just
> nothing at all. Not determinately nothing. For that which is determinately
> not *A* supposes the being of *A* in some mode. Utter indetermination.
> But a symbol alone is indeterminate. Therefore, Nothing, the indeterminate
> of the absolute beginning, is a symbol. That is the way in which the
> beginning of things can alone be understood. What logically follows?]
> The whole paragraph starting here in the edition of Kaina Stoicheia
> <> on my website gives
> Peirce's account of what logically follows. What he arrives at is this:
> “That is logical which it is necessary to admit in order to render the
> universe intelligible. And the first of all logical principles is that the
> indeterminate should determine itself as best it may” (EP2:324).
> It is not obvious how this can be reconciled with a cosmology arising from
> an ur-continuity or a primal Thirdness. We could dismiss Kaina Stoicheia as
> anomalous among Peirce's works, or as something he changed his mind about
> later, but my preference (and i think yours, Jon) is to look for some
> continuity between KS and Peirce's other works that offer a semiotically
> realistic cosmology. I have a few ideas about this but would like to hear
> what others think before i post mine.
> Love, gary
> Coming from the ancestral lands of the Anishinaabeg
> } Everything is actually everything else, recycled. [anon] {
> }{ Turning Signs <>
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