
I am aware that JAS’s use of ‘determines’ is not synonymous with ‘causes’ or 
‘precedes’ - but is ‘logically constrains’. However, something that ‘logically 
constrains’ DOES, functionally operate as causal and precedent to other forces- 
otherwise - how would it function as that constraint?. 

And, to my understanding, JAS’s definition of the Interpretants includes an 
assumption that each is also in a different categorical mode, ie, as he says: 
possible-existent-necessitnat [ for Immediate/Dynamic and Final]. But this is 
not found in Peirce’s outline of the ten classes. 

And, for an Interpretant to function as ‘constraint’ would mean that the 
Interpretant would have to be in a mode of 3ns, [ understood as a necessitant] 
but, if we consider  the ten classes, then, we find that ONLY ONE of the ten 
has the Interpretant in a mode of 3ns. The others - six are in a mode of 1ns 
and three are in a mode of 2ns, ie, are dicisigns. . I think this is a key 
point - only one of the ten classes has the Final Interpretant in a mode of 
3ns, ie, capable of imposing constraint. A FI in a mode of 1ns or 2ns cannot 
impose constraint. 

 And when we consider Robert Marty’s outline of the hexadic ten classes - we 
see, of course, the same format 

Where then is the constraint? It’s within the mediative representamen/sign, not 
within the Interpretants. It is this site that plays the key role in forming 
the nature of the sign triad’/hexad.

And - there is no argument that, one cannot move, cognitively, from possible to 
existent to necessitate [ 1ns to 2ns to 3ns] BUT this does not then mean that 
the Final Interpretant is in a mode of 3ns! All it means is that, if the 
Immediate Interpretant is in a mode of 1ns, then, the other two interpretants 
will be in the same mode. BUT, if the immediate interpretant is in a mode of 
2ns, then, the Dynamic and Final Intepretants can be either in a modes of 1ns 
or 2ns. Again - see Robert Marty’s outlines. 


> On Apr 4, 2024, at 12:37 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt <> 
> wrote:
> List:
> While I am at it, I might as well elaborate on my third reason for believing 
> that the proper order of the interpretant trichotomies for sign 
> classification is final, then dynamical, then immediate--namely, the ten sign 
> classes that result from applying the rule of determination are much more 
> plausible than the other way around, especially when accounting for the 
> possibility of misinterpretations.
> Again, in this context, "determines" is not synonymous with "causes" nor 
> "precedes." Instead, it means "logically constrains," such that "a Possible 
> can determine nothing but a Possible" and "a Necessitant can be determined by 
> nothing but a Necessitant" (EP 2:481, 1908 Dec 23). For the interpretant 
> divisions in Peirce’s last complete taxonomy (CP 8.344-375, EP 2:482-490, 
> 1908 Dec 24-25)--using "actuous" or "temperative" for a sign whose final 
> interpretant's purpose is "to produce action" or "to produce self-control," 
> respectively (R 339:424[285r], 1906 Aug 31)--this imposes the following 
> restrictions.
> A gratific sign, whose final interpretant’s purpose is possible, must be a 
> sympathetic sign, whose dynamical interpretant’s mode of being is possible; 
> i.e., a sign that would ideally produce feelings can actually produce only 
> feelings.
> Only a temperative sign, whose final interpretant’s purpose is necessitant, 
> can be a usual sign, whose dynamical interpretant’s mode of being is 
> necessitant, although it might instead be existent (for a percussive sign) or 
> possible (for a sympathetic sign); i.e., only a sign that would ideally 
> produce self-control can actually produce further signs, although it might 
> instead produce exertions or feelings.
> A sympathetic sign, whose dynamical interpretant’s mode of being is possible, 
> must be a hypothetic sign, whose immediate interpretant’s mode of 
> presentation is possible; i.e., a sign that actually produces feelings can 
> only present those effects as abstract qualities.
> Only a usual sign, whose dynamical interpretant’s mode of being is 
> necessitant, can be a relative sign, whose immediate interpretant’s mode of 
> presentation is necessitant, although it might instead be existent (for a 
> categorical sign) or possible (for a hypothetic sign); i.e., only a sign that 
> actually produces further signs can present those effects as real relations, 
> although it might instead present them as concrete inherences or abstract 
> qualities.
> Hence, the ten sign classes are gratific, sympathetic actuous, hypothetic 
> percussive actuous, categorical actuous, sympathetic temperative, hypothetic 
> percussive temperative, categorical percussive temperative, hypothetic usual, 
> categorical usual, and relative. The upshot is that when a sign is 
> misinterpreted, such that its dynamical interpretant's mode of being is of a 
> different universe from that of its final interpretant's purpose, the 
> direction of the deviation is always from necessitant to existent to 
> possible--which makes sense since 3ns always involves 2ns, which always 
> involves 1ns.
> By contrast, reversing the order of the interpretant trichotomies would 
> require the opposite, such that deviation would always be from possible to 
> existent to necessitant--which does not make sense since 2ns cannot be built 
> up from 1ns, and 3ns cannot be built up from 1ns and 2ns. A sign whose final 
> interpretant's purpose is to produce feelings could sometimes (somehow) 
> actually produce exertions or further signs as its dynamical interpretants 
> instead, while a sign whose final interpretant's purpose is to produce 
> self-control would always actually produce further signs as its dynamical 
> interpretants.
> Moreover, as I discussed on the List a few weeks ago, the trichotomy 
> according to the nature or mode of presentation of the immediate interpretant 
> is hypothetic/categorical/relative, directly corresponding to the three kinds 
> of propositions that are distinguishable by the number of lines of identity 
> that they require in Existential Graphs (EGs)--zero/one/two or more. The 
> phemic sheet is a strictly logical quasi-mind, so it can only be determined 
> to a further sign, namely, an EG that is explicitly scribed on it. Since all 
> three kinds of propositions can be represented by such an EG, the trichotomy 
> for the immediate interpretant must come after the one for the dynamical 
> interpretant--if it were the other way around, then only relative 
> propositions with at least two lines of identity could be scribed on the 
> phemic sheet, which is obviously not the case.
> That said, since the trichotomy for the sign's dyadic relation with its final 
> interpretant (name/proposition/argument or seme/pheme/delome) presumably 
> comes after all three trichotomies for the interpretants themselves, 
> regardless of which way we arrange them, only categorical and relative signs 
> can be propositions (phemes). Hypothetic signs can only be names (semes), 
> which would be scribed on the phemic sheet without any attached lines of 
> identity, if that were allowed in Beta EGs--the interpretant as represented 
> by the sign is presented as a possible, not an existent.
> Regards,
> Jon
> On Wed, Apr 3, 2024 at 8:39 PM Jon Alan Schmidt < 
> <>> wrote:
>> List:
>> It is telling that this rebuttal does not address my first and most 
>> important reason for equating "the Destinate Interpretant" to the final 
>> interpretant and "the Explicit Interpretant" to the immediate interpretant 
>> (SS84, EP 2:481, 1908 Dec 23), namely, because the terms themselves clearly 
>> imply this. In fact, some of the textual evidence offered below strongly 
>> supports my position.
>> TJ: In the Logic Notebook, Peirce offers the following very clear definition 
>> of the term ‘immediate’: ‘to say that A is immediate to B means that it is 
>> present in B’ (R339: 243Av,1905). This corresponds to descriptions Peirce 
>> gives of the immediate interpretant as being the interpretant ‘in the sign’: 
>> ‘It is likewise requisite to distinguish the Immediate Interpretant, i.e., 
>> the Interpretant represented or signified in the Sign, from the Dynamic 
>> Interpretant, or effect actually produced on the mind by the Sign’ (EP2: 
>> 482, 1908).
>> Being "immediate" in this sense is practically synonymous with being 
>> "explicit." It is the interpretant that is right there in the sign itself, 
>> which is why the corresponding trichotomy for sign classification is a 
>> division according to its mode of presentation.
>> CSP as quoted by TJ: The Final Interpretant is the one Interpretative result 
>> to which every Interpreter is destined to come if the Sign is sufficiently 
>> considered ... The Final Interpretant is that toward which the actual tends. 
>> (SS 111, 1909)
>> Here the final interpretant is unambiguously identified as the "destined" 
>> interpretant, i.e., the "destinate" interpretant.
>> CSP as quoted by TJ: But we must note that there is certainly a third kind 
>> of Interpretant, which I call the Final Interpretant, because it is that 
>> which would finally be decided to be the true interpretation if 
>> consideration of the matter were carried so far that an ultimate opinion 
>> were reached. (EP 2:496, 1909)
>> As Peirce says elsewhere, "No matter what his opinion at the outset may be, 
>> it is assumed that he will end in one predestinated belief" (CP 7.327, 
>> 1873). Also, "No modification of the point of view taken, no selection of 
>> other facts for study, no natural bent of mind even, can enable a man to 
>> escape the predestinate opinion" (CP 5.407, 1878). Also, "The logician 
>> maintains that there is, namely, that they are all adapted to an end, that 
>> of carrying belief, in the long run, toward certain predestinate conclusions 
>> which are the same for all men" (CP 3.161, 1880). Also, "I call 'truth' the 
>> predestinate opinion, by which I ought to have meant that which would 
>> ultimately prevail if investigation were carried sufficiently far in that 
>> particular direction" (EP 2:457, 1911). Since the "ultimate opinion" is the 
>> "predestinate opinion," the final interpretant is likewise the "destinate" 
>> interpretant.
>> TJ: JAS’s phenomenological hierarchy would suggest, too, that the dynamic 
>> object is genuine and the immediate degenerate ...
>> Indeed, Peirce's recognition around 1904 that each sign has two objects and 
>> three interpretants is the result of phaneroscopic analysis--within the 
>> genuine triadic relation of representing or (more generally) mediating, the 
>> sign is the first and simplest correlate, the object is the second correlate 
>> of middling complexity, and the interpretant is the third and most complex 
>> correlate (CP 2.235-242, EP 2:290, 1903). Accordingly, the dynamical object 
>> is the genuine object, as it is in itself, independent of the sign; and the 
>> immediate object is the degenerate object, as it is represented by the sign.
>> TJ: It seems illogical to me to seek to place the immediate interpretant in 
>> a classification or process at two places from the sign in which it is 
>> defined to be present.
>> It is perfectly logical in a classification of signs, because the three 
>> correlates of the genuine triadic relation of representing/mediating are the 
>> genuine correlates--the sign itself, its dynamical object, and its final 
>> interpretant. On the other hand, there is only a degenerate triadic relation 
>> between the sign, its dynamical object, and its dynamical interpretant--it 
>> is reducible to the sign's genuine dyadic relations with its dynamical 
>> object/interpretant, each of which has its own trichotomy; and there are 
>> only degenerate dyadic relations between the sign and its immediate 
>> object/interpretant, which is why there are no separate trichotomies for 
>> these relations. Moreover, all six discrete correlates are entia 
>> rationis--artifacts of analysis prescinded from the real and continuous 
>> process of semiosis.
>> TJ: if the final interpretant as Peirce defines it here is that toward which 
>> the actual tends one wonders at what point any actual interpretation (Id) 
>> might take place, surely not after the final interpretant.
>> Again, this is a matter of logical ordering for the classification of signs, 
>> not causal/temporal sequence within the process of semiosis. The final 
>> interpretant is not the last interpretant in a series of dynamical 
>> interpretants--recall that in 1906, "I confess that my own conception of 
>> this third interpretant is not yet quite free from mist" (CP 4.536). 
>> Instead, it is the normative interpretant, hence "normal interpretant" in 
>> some places--the dynamical interpretant that the sign would produce under 
>> ideal circumstances. It is "final" in the sense of a final cause, "that 
>> toward which the actual [dynamical interpretant] tends," not an efficient 
>> cause that deterministically necessitates the dynamical interpretant.
>> TJ: There is no suggestion here that the final interpretant determines the 
>> sign’s meaning (of which the immediate interpretant is the exponent).
>> All three interpretants of a linguistic sign are aspects of its meaning. The 
>> immediate interpretant is the range of what it possibly could mean in 
>> accordance with its constituent word definitions and grammatical syntax, the 
>> dynamical interpretant is what it actually does mean to any one interpreter 
>> of it, and the final interpretant is what it necessarily would mean under 
>> ideal circumstances, including after infinite investigation by an infinite 
>> community.
>> TJ: And surely misinterpretation and misconception depend upon the degree of 
>> congruence between the intended meaning emanating from the utterer and the 
>> actual reaction displayed by the interpreter. These definitions (in which Ii 
>> is the sign’s inherent interpretability, Id the actual reaction to a sign 
>> and If a future tendency) surely suggest that the only possibility of 
>> misinterpretation comes from when, in an actual semiosis, the Id reaction is 
>> not congruent with the intended interpretation.
>> On the contrary, a sign is mis-uttered to the extent that its immediate 
>> interpretant deviates from the utterer's intention, while it is 
>> mis-interpreted to the extent that a dynamical interpretant of it deviates 
>> from its final (normative) interpretant. We are not always completely 
>> successful in accurately conveying our intentions with the signs that we 
>> utter, so their final interpretants are not strictly dictated by those 
>> intentions. "So far as the intention is betrayed in the Sign, it belongs to 
>> the immediate Interpretant. So far as it is not so betrayed, it may be the 
>> Interpretant of another sign, but it is in no sense the interpretant of that 
>> sign" (R 339, 1906 Apr 2). As William Abraham nicely puts it, "If meaning 
>> has an equivalence, it is to be located less in intention and more in 
>> achievement. What is achieved may be more or less than what the author 
>> intended" 
>> (,
>>  p. 20).
>> TJ: To which I reply that Chapter Four of my book has a Table (4.1) 
>> displaying 14 six- and ten-division typologies established between 1904 and 
>> 1908, of which only the first two (both from 1904) have the order given by 
>> JS - all the others have immediate > dynamic > variously named final 
>> interpretants.
>> I do not have the book, but Peirce's late taxonomies are almost always 
>> arranged in phaneroscopic order--from the simplest correlate (sign) to the 
>> most complex correlate (interpretant); for each correlate, from the most 
>> degenerate (immediate) to the genuine; for each dyadic relation, coming 
>> right after its second correlate; and for the genuine triadic relation, 
>> coming last. He never provided a typology with all ten trichotomies arranged 
>> in their proper logical order for sign classification--if he had done so, 
>> then there would obviously be no room for debate about what he had in mind. 
>> Instead, we have only a few partial orderings--S, S-Od, S-If (1903); S-If, 
>> S-Id (1904); and Od, Oi, S, If, Id, Ii (1908), taking destinate=final and 
>> explicit=immediate.
>> Regards,
>> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
>> Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian
>> <> / 
>> <>
>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2024 at 2:46 AM Anthony Jappy < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>> List,
>>> I learn that Jon Schmid (henceforth JS) has proposed an ordering of the 
>>> three interpretants which differs from one that I suggest in a paper 
>>> published in Semiotica (which is indeed the published version of the text 
>>> mentioned by John Sowa in a private conversation). As JS states in his 
>>> posting, I prefer not to get involved in list disputes, but nevertheless 
>>> will offer an alternative interpretation which is dealt with in much 
>>> greater detail in Chapter Four of my recent book, where I dispute the 
>>> interpretant ordering of David Savan (the one proposed by JS). I quote JS 
>>> and reply to two of his objections to my ordering. These replies are 
>>> sufficient to support my position. First this statement:
>>> ‘The context of the destinate/effective/explicit passage is logical 
>>> determination for sign classification, not causal nor temporal 
>>> determination within the process of semiosis; hence, the genuine correlate 
>>> (If) determines the degenerate correlate (Id), which determines the doubly 
>>> degenerate correlate (Ii)’. (JS)
>>> Here are two premisses on which we disagree irreconcilably:
>>> 1)      That Peirce distinguished between the logical and the empirical 
>>> (causal, temporal). As I understand Peirce, logic was the theory of thought 
>>> and reason. I don’t believe he considered that logic was simply the concern 
>>> of books and blackboards, rather that it was the process of ratiocination 
>>> out in the world and common to animate and inanimate agencies alike (‘The 
>>> action of a sign generally takes place between two parties, the utterer and 
>>> the interpreter. They need not be persons; for a chamelion and many kinds 
>>> of insects and even plants make their livings by uttering signs, and lying 
>>> signs, at that’ (R318: 419, 1907)). Semiosis, I believe, is simply thought 
>>> in action, irrespective of triggering agency, and a process in which there 
>>> is no difference between the logical and the empirical, a process in which 
>>> the empirical simply actualises the logical. Moreover, I maintain that the 
>>> six-correlate passage yielding 28 classes is also a ‘blueprint’ for the 
>>> process of semiosis.
>>> 2)      That Peirce attributed ‘horizontal’ phenomenological values within 
>>> the correlate/interpretant sequence (If genuine, Id degenerate, Ii doubly 
>>> degenerate). If such values were to be associated with the interpretant, 
>>> for example, it would surely be more logical to apply them vertically 
>>> within each interpretant division, following the universe distinction from 
>>> least to most complex within the possible, existent and necessitant 
>>> universe  hierarchy. Although Peirce states in R318 ‘It is now necessary to 
>>> point out that there are three kinds of interpretant. Our categories 
>>> suggest them, and the suggestion is confirmed by careful consideration.’ 
>>> (R318: 251, 1907), there is no suggestion in the manuscript that they are 
>>> hierarchically organized; they simply differ in complexity. JS’s 
>>> phenomenological hierarchy would suggest, too, that the dynamic object is 
>>> genuine and the immediate degenerate, which is surely not the case.
>>> What proof do I have? None, simply, like those adduced by JS, opinions, 
>>> opinions based on snatches of text from various Peirce sources.
>>> I would justify the order …S > Ii > Id > If for the following reasons 
>>> (there are others):
>>> ·         In the Logic Notebook, Peirce offers the following very clear 
>>> definition of the term ‘immediate’: ‘to say that A is immediate to B means 
>>> that it is present in B’ (R339: 243Av,1905). This corresponds to 
>>> descriptions Peirce gives of the immediate interpretant as being the 
>>> interpretant ‘in the sign’: ‘It is likewise requisite to distinguish the 
>>> Immediate Interpretant, i.e., the Interpretant represented or signified in 
>>> the Sign, from the Dynamic Interpretant, or effect actually produced on the 
>>> mind by the Sign’ (EP2: 482, 1908).
>>> It seems illogical to me to seek to place the immediate interpretant in a 
>>> classification or process at two places from the sign in which it is 
>>> defined to be present.
>>> ·         As for the possibility of misinterpretation, consider the 
>>> descriptions Peirce gives LW in 1909 of his three interpretants:
>>> ‘My Immediate Interpretant is implied in the fact that each Sign must have 
>>> its peculiar interpretability before it gets any Interpreter. My Dynamical 
>>> Interpretant is that which is experienced in each act of Interpretation and 
>>> is different in each from that of any other; and the Final Interpretant is 
>>> the one Interpretative result to which every Interpreter is destined to 
>>> come if the sign is sufficiently considered. The Immediate Interpretant is 
>>> an abstraction, consisting in a Possibility. The Dynamical Interpretant is 
>>> a single actual event. The Final Interpretant is that toward which the 
>>> actual tends.’ (SS: 111, 1909)
>>> ...the Immediate Interpretant is what the Question expresses, all that it 
>>> immediately expresses. (CP: 8.314, 1909; emphasis added)
>>> And of the final interpretant (If) he says this:
>>> That ultimate, definitive, and final (i.e. eventually to be reached), 
>>> interpretant (final I mean, in the logical sense of attaining the purpose, 
>>> is also final in the sense of bringing the series of translations [to a 
>>> stop] for the obvious reason that it is not itself a sign) is to be 
>>> regarded as the ultimate signification of the [sign]. (LI: 356-357; 1906)
>>> The Final Interpretant is the one Interpretative result to which every 
>>> Interpreter is destined to come if the Sign is sufficiently considered... 
>>> The Final Interpretant is that toward which the actual tends. (SS: 111, 
>>> 1909)
>>> But we must note that there is certainly a third kind of Interpretant, 
>>> which I call the Final Interpretant, because it is that which would finally 
>>> be decided to be the true interpretation if consideration of the matter 
>>> were carried so far that an ultimate opinion were reached. (EP2: 496; 1909)
>>> It is difficult to see how such definitions might accord with JS’s 
>>> ordering: if the final interpretant as Peirce defines it here is that 
>>> toward which the actual tends one wonders at what point any actual 
>>> interpretation (Id) might take place, surely not after the final 
>>> interpretant. There is no suggestion here that the final interpretant 
>>> determines the sign’s meaning (of which the immediate interpretant is the 
>>> exponent). And surely misinterpretation and misconception depend upon the 
>>> degree of congruence between the intended meaning emanating from the 
>>> utterer and the actual reaction displayed by the interpreter. These 
>>> definitions (in which Ii is the sign’s inherent interpretability, Id the 
>>> actual reaction to a sign and If a future tendency) surely suggest that the 
>>> only possibility of misinterpretation comes from when, in an actual 
>>> semiosis, the Id reaction is not congruent with the intended 
>>> interpretation. We know from the draft to LW of March 1906 that there is 
>>> ‘the Intentional Interpretant, which is a determination of the mind of the 
>>> utterer; the Effectual Interpretant, which is a determination of the mind 
>>> of the interpreter’ (SS: 196-7, 1906). This, too, suggests that Ii follows 
>>> the sign of which it is the intended meaning and that Id is the 
>>> interpreter’s reaction that follows interpretation.
>>> ·         ‘The ten sign classes that result from applying the rule of 
>>> determination to these three trichotomies are much more plausible when the 
>>> order is (If, Id, Ii) than when it is (Ii, Id, If), especially when 
>>> accounting for the possibility of misinterpretations.’ (JS)
>>> To which I reply that Chapter Four of my book has a Table (4.1) displaying 
>>> 14 six- and ten-division typologies established between 1904 and 1908, of 
>>> which only the first two (both from 1904) have the order given by JS - all 
>>> the others have immediate > dynamic > variously named final interpretants.
>>> NB LI followed by page number and year = Peirce, (2009), The Logic of 
>>> Interdisciplinarity: The Monist-Series, E. Bisanz, ed, Berlin: Akademie 
>>> Verlag GmbH, e.g. (LI 356-357, 1906)
>>> With this I rest my case and leave the list members to make up their own 
>>> minds. I have no intention of engaging in protracted discussions. 
>>> TJ
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