Can you imagine now why I claimed that the "Peicean Cut" is an asymmetric,
quasi-periodic tiling of the plane?

I hope I am wrong somehow.
Otherwise that would be a revolution in the most iconic sense of the word Iconicity. You see?! Do you know what Peirce left over of the Kantian list of categories? Yes. Time and space: Three independent imaginary bases of an imaginary space which
constitute thereby an incipient ordered timelike sequence.

The question that Peirce's New List answers is: "What is the nature of a Definition?"

Put differently: How come that it is possible to say anything at all, that there can be anything stable enough so that it can be referred to, that there can be "things" in any way at all. Not this or that things, things in general and stable relations
in general. How come that universes are possible at all?

The Cut is the iconic solution of what DEFINITION is.

That's why there are these curious "permissions", not rules!, _permissions_,
accompanying the Existential Graphs.

Probably there was no "Big Bang". Not so loud. It's more like birth
or something like that.

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