Title: Seminar on Philosophy and Business Management

The Peirce Edition Project is pleased to present:

Peirce and Business Management
By James Hoopes

April 12

Peirce had some influence on modern theories of business leadership, though that influence was only partial and therefore harmful.  Harvard Business School Professor Elton Mayo, who in the 1920’s and ’30’s was the main creator of the human relations movement in business, was influenced by the technique of “musement” that Peirce propounded as a “Neglected Argument for the Reality of God.” But Mayo turned what Peirce considered a way of appreciating the wonder of the relation between brute actuality and the universe of thought into a mere psychoanalytic technique of reverie or what he called “musating” as a way of exploring the individual unconscious.  Inspired by Peirce’s idea that groups could have personalities, Mayo had too little understanding of Peirce’s metaphysics and semiotics to develop an anti-nominalist, realist notion of groups.  As a result, his theory of group leadership was torn between the respect for group processes and the manipulative style of top-down management that has bedeviled theories of business leadership ever since.

The lecture will be given on Wednesday 12 April at the Institute of American Thought in Room ES 0014. The institute is housed in the basement of the Education and Social Work building on the IUPUI campus, 902 West New York Street, Indianapolis. The talk begins at 3:30 PM.

James Hoopes is Visiting Frances Thompson Professor of Leadership Studies at Kettering University and Murata Professor of Business Ethics at Babson  College.  He is the editor of “Peirce on Signs: Writings on Semiotic by Charles Sanders Peirce.”  His most recent book is “False Prophets: The Gurus Who Created Modern Management and Why Their Ideas Are Bad for Business Today.” He is presently working on a book entitled “Moral Leadership: George W. Bush’s Example of How and How Not to Do It.”

The Indianapolis Peirce Seminar meets on an irregular basis at the offices of the Peirce Edition Project (902 West New York Street, ES 0010, Indianapolis, IUPUI campus, Indianapolis).  

For more information, see


Or contact Cornelis de Waal at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Cornelis de Waal, Ph.D.

Associate Editor, Peirce Edition Project

Assistant Professor and Graduate Director
Department of Philosophy

Peirce Edition Project                     tel.: (317) 274-2171
902 West New York Street, ES 0010          fax.: (317) 274-2170
Indianapolis, IN 46202


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