May 20, 2001
Russia to Begin Overhaul of Electricity Industry
OSCOW, May 19 - Russia said today that it would begin a sweeping
overhaul of its electricity industry, one of President Vladimir V.
Putin's first major reform efforts, despite critics who warn that the
changes would hurt foreign investors.

The program, which would gradually create a market for electric power,
was given tentative approval in a government meeting today, and would
be official within a month. The electricity sector, comprising dozens
of companies, would be divided into generation, distribution and sales
units. The government would sell stakes in them, but would retain full
control over the grid itself, and thousands of miles of power lines.

Its critics, including Mr. Putin's own economic adviser, Andrei
Illarionov, strongly oppose the plan, saying it does not provide
adequate safeguards for the current owners of Russia's electricity

The reform has been the object of debate since Anatoly Chubais - the
former government reformer best known for his state-asset sales
program in the mid-1990's - proposed a radical version last year. Mr.
Chubais, who runs Russia's biggest electric company, Unified Energy
System, incurred the wrath of foreign investors with his plan; they
feared that it would ruin their holdings. Mr. Putin ordered a

Unified is the world's largest electric grid, but its value is not
one-tenth the value of utilities in Western countries. The industry
needs outside investment to modernize.

Unified, which is 52 percent owned by the government, has many
minority owners, including foreign investors who hold about a third of

The debate centers on how property should be redistributed within the
new system. Investors who own parts of the regional companies oppose
the proposal to remove chunks of property from those companies through
share swaps or buyouts. Unified itself would be liquidated, and
investors say they are not confident that they will get a fair

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