I thank Ben for bringing this up before I could.

Anthony D'Costa

On Thu, 9 Jun 1994, Ben Crow wrote:

> Andrew Sessions has posted the 'Manibeli Declaration', a proposal from the 
> International Rivers Network, of Berkeley CA, that there be a 
> moratorium on World Bank funding of large dams. 
> Whilst I think the declaration makes several useful points about World Bank 
> practices, and I hope that it raises the level of debate about what the 
> World Bank does, I would want to note two reservations about the declaration. 
> 1) as a critic on another list has already noted, there is a problem about 
> people in glass houses throwing stones. Those of us (particularly in 
> California) whose standard of living depends upon big dams are not in a strong
> position to declare that others should not have them. 
> 2) there are strong reasons to believe that world food production (and 
> particularly food production in India) during the last 25 years 
> would not have exceeded population 
> growth if the area of irrigated agriculture had expanded at a slower pace. 
> It is true that not all irrigation comes from big dams, but a significant 
> proportion of canal and groundwater irrigation depends upon water stored in 
> big dams. 
> This declaration is formulated in a way which potentially divides 
> environmentalists (and neopopulists more generally) from those who 
> argue that higher productivity (industrialization) is a pre-requisite 
> for higher living standards. 
> Ben Crow
> Food Research Institute 
> Stanford. 

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