I'm not sure exactly what the point of Anthony D'Costa is, but it is
important to note that in the case of the Narmada and other big dams in
India, the issue is not of whether or not to do something to feed more
people, since the small scale alternatives would do that.  In the case of
the Narmada dam the issue is about whether the best way to feed more
people is to systematically impoverish the poorest people in
the country while enriching the rich.  The Dam will do that and the
alternative will not.

 On Fri, 10 Jun 1994, Anthony D'Costa wrote:

> I know this will sound rather crude.  But I do have a question that goes 
> beyond the environmental and big dams issues.  Why is 
> the liberal left so bent on projecting a world that they cannot attain at 
> home want to see it materialize in societies that do not operate on 
> liberal principles?  Feeding 880 m people is not a matter of joke.  
> Perhaps we should give credit to China.  But will not these same 
> environmental folks be against China on human rights issues?
> Anthony D'Costa
ii> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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