. . .
I'd like to see a point-by-point rebuttal to this, sent certified
mail, to the authors.  Let's draft it here and let Max send it off on
his finest letterhead.       Bill

Send to who?  And why on my letterhead?

As I mentioned before (might have been on LBO),
my boss Larry Mishel and I debated Cox (Alm
is a journalist and doesn't know anything)
on a PBS show in Dallas.
Mishel did most of the talking since this
is his bailiwick more than mine.  I was only
there because I did a separate show on the
public sector debating Cato dude Steve Moore.

My favorite line from Cox was that one sign
we are richer now is that we have bottled
water rather than tap water.  Something to
bring tears to Perelman's eyes.

Much material refuting Cox can be found in
State of Working America.  Up to now the
labor market boyz at EPI don't think his
stuff is worth refuting.  Too stupid.


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