Jipson Art asked for more info on my assertion that NYC has a lower crime
rate than suburbs gone wild like Dallas and Atlanta, and that there is no
relation between pop density and crime. Here are the details.
For more, see the forthcoming LBO #62 as well as my social atlas, The
State of the United States, forthcoming from Simon & Schuster this fall.
Apologies for the self-promotion, but such are the pressures of commerce.
Apologies too for any formatting oddities.
Doug Henwood [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
NY NY 10024
212-874-4020 (voice)
212-874-3137 (fax)
           % seeing  violent crimes per      population                   
            city as  100,000 population  -----------------  land   
            unsafe,  ------------------  per sq             area    un-
violent homi-  pop
             1990     all      homicide   mile     1,000s  (sq mi) safe 
crime  cide density
Atlanta       39%    4,041.1     50.9     2,989      394   131.8     9    
2     3     2
Boston        29%    2,066.4     19.7    12,451      574    46.1    10    
8    11    13
Chicago       65%                32.9    12,254    2,784   227.2     5    
      7    12
Dallas        26%    2,568.3     48.6     2,944    1,008   342.4    12    
4     4     1
Detroit       68%    2,727.3     59.3     7,412    1,028   138.7     4    
3     2     7
Houston       25%    1,599.9     36.5     3,021    1,631   539.9    13   
10     5     3
Los Angeles   64%    2,525.8     28.9     7,426    3,485   469.3     6    
5     9     8
Miami         76%    4,252.0     36.4    10,084      359    35.6     2    
1     6    10
Minneapolis   11%    1,577.5     17.1     6,703      368    54.9    15   
11    12     6
New York      85%    2,318.2     29.3    23,699    7,323   309.0     1    
7     8    15
Philadelphia  40%    1,408.0     27.6    11,739    1,586   135.1     8   
12    10    11
San Diego     28%    1,219.9     14.7     3,429    1,111   324.0    11   
14    13     4
San Francisco 43%    1,645.4     12.9    15,503      724    46.7     7    
9    14    14
Seattle       16%    1,356.3      8.1     6,150      516    83.9    14   
13    15     5
Washington DC 71%    2,452.3     80.6     9,886      607    61.4     3    
6     1     9
correl with 
   pop dens           -0.05     -0.16                            -0.62 
0.03  0.26  
sources    crime: U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Sourcebook of
Criminal Justice
                    Statistics 1992 (Washington, DC, BJS, 1993), tables
2.27 and 3.128
           population & land area: Statistical Abstract of the US, 1993

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