1.  Now I want to make a point that requires development in several 
directions, but which is in itself very simple.  

2.  Suppose that labor-values and Sraffian prices are, as I have said, 
about equally good as predictors of actual prices.  Are there then any 
grounds for preferring one theory over the other?  There are several, 
but here is one perspective to start with.  

3.  Although quite unlike Walrasian General Equilibrium theory in many 
ways, Sraffian theory has something in common with the latter.  If one 
asks, "What determines prices (or price movements over time)?" the 
answer in both cases is, more or less, "Everything."  (The full set of 
preference orderings, technological options and endowments in the case 
of Walrasian GE; the full set of technical relationships and the profit-rate 
or wage in the Sraffian case.)  This answer is strikingly uninformative.  

4.  But ask the same question of the LTV and you get a clear, 
informative answer: the systematic component of both cross-sectional 
and time-series relative price variation is primarily governed by the labor 
time socially necessary to produce the various commodities.  On the 
grounds of parsimony in explanation (Occam's razor), the LTV looks 
pretty good.

5.  Why has the relative price of computing power fallen so dramatically 
over the last decade?  The (testable) explanatory hypothesis of the LTV 
is that technology in the computer industry has progressed in such a way 
as greatly to reduce the labour time necessary to make a computer of 
given specification (while also, of course, upping the specifications 
dramatically).  By contrast, the Sraffian answer -- it would presumably 
go like this: the input-output structure of the economy has changed in 
such a way as to reduce the price for computers consistent with the 
computer industry earning the average rate of profit -- seems not to 
offer any real explanatory purchase at all.  

End of posting the fifth.  
Coming up: Does the LTV have a credible mechanism?

Allin Cottrell 
Department of Economics 
Wake Forest University
(910) 759-5762

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