I wonder if list members realize that one of the more prominent centers of
"heterodox" economics in the US, viz. New York's own "New School", has
also been flooded with Soros money in recent years.  I even heard just some
months ago that a program was being set up there with funding from both
the USIA (plausible) and USAID (less plausible, but my informant insisted).
Sorry, I don't have further details.  But I'm afraid there's plenty of
deprogramming that has to be undertaken on the domestic front. I suspect too
that it is not only the economic "orthodoxy" which is receiving support
from such sources.  But perhaps it is better to leave that thought........


On Sat, 18 Mar 1995 14:38:01 -0800 Doug Henwood said:
>An interview in the Jan-Feb 95 issue of Transition, the World Bank's
>newsletter on "reforming economies," with William Bader, president of the
>Eurasia Foundation, explores the matter of "breeding a new generation of
>economists in the FSU" [former Soviet Union]. The Eurasia Foundation is a
>"privately managed" foundation funded by the US Agency for International
>Development that has spent $15 million so far on education and media. About
>$5m of the total has gone to promoting education in business and economics.
>Eurasia is particuarly proud of the New Economic School in Moscow, funded
>in conjunction with the Soros Foundation, "which," in Bader's words "has
>become the best economic training institute in the FSU. 'Russia's Harvard,'
>as the Financial Times recently put it, teaches advanced market economics
>to some 30-40 students each year." Working in conjunction with
>UCal-Berkeley, Eurasia has set up a new business school at St. Petersburg
>University. Similar projects are underway in Ukraine, Georgia, and other
>former republics in the FSU.
>The World Bank is also engaged in similar activities. Together, Eurasia,
>the Bank, and Soros, are working "to accelerate the restructuring of
>educatio and research institutes in both Russia and Ukraine, and to train
>more market-oriented economists in both countries."
>Where's the PEN-L foundation, to set up truth squads to deprogram the
>graduates of these institutes?
>Doug Henwood
>Left Business Observer
>250 W 85 St
>New York NY 10024-3217
>+1-212-874-4020 voice
>+1-212-874-3137 fax

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