The Brecht Forum/New York Marxist School
122 West 27 Street, 10 floor
New York, New York 10001
(212) 242-4201
(212) 741-4563 (fax)

The Brecht Forum/New York Marxist School

April 1995 Schedule of Events

Lectures and Discussions:

Monday, April 3, 7:30 pm ($6)
-Socialist Dialogue: Discussions with the Editors of Left
-_Rethinking Marxism_
This ongoing series will pose several questions to the
editors of left publications: What is their conceptual
framework for discussing the prospects for socialism? How
do they understand their role? What are the key issues
they seek to address and how do they approach them?

Wednesday, April 5, 6:30 pm ($10)
-Between Volcanoes and Square Wheels: A Conversation on
Strategies to Confront the Neoliberal Agenda
-Carlos Vilas, Boris Kagarlitsky, Alexander Buzgalin, and
others TBA
-cosponsored with Monthly Review Press
Join us in a discussion with international visitors to
the Socialist Scholars Conference and celebrate the
recent publication by Monthly Review Press of Carlos
Vilas' _Between Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Market, State
and the Revolutions in Central America_, Boris
Kagarlitsky's _Square Wheels: How Russian Democracy Got
Derailed_ and _The Mirage of Modernization_, and
Alexander Buzgalin's _Bloody October in Moscow: Political
Repression in the Name of Reform_.

Wednesday, April 12, 7:30 pm ($6)
-Today's News: The Other Point of View
-Ellen Braune and Steve Rendall
Hosts Ellen Braune, Director of New Channels
Communications, and Steve Rendall, Senior Analysts at
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), will be
inviting independent and mainstream journalists and
others to join them to discuss breaking news and current
events. This is part of a series of discussions that
provide an informal and participatory venue for the
progressive community to analyze key issues, critique
media coverage, and identify ways to inject alternative
perspectives into the mainstream discourse.

Tuesday, April 18, 7 pm ($6)
-The Gingrich Agenda: Nostalgia for a Past That Never Was
-George Bernstein
Bernstein will look at the relationship of political
ideologies to the history of educational practices in the
U.S. school system, covering such issues as racial
integration, language, religion, and immigration. His
talk will focus on the Gingrich agenda as a form of neo-
conservative and reactionary nostalgia that threatens the
very foundations of justice and equality.

George Bernstein teaches the history and philosophy of
education at Montclair State College in New Jersey.

Wednesday, April 19, 8 pm ($6)
-It's after "Post": Global Transformation, Marx's Theory,
and Today's Politics
-Bill Tabb
Isn't it time to stop dwelling on what's over? Yes, many
old forms are no longer relevant. New structures _have_
emerged that are shaping the "new world order." Bill
Tabb, author of _The Post-war Japanese System: Cultural
Economy and Economic Transformation_ (Oxford University
Press, 1995), will argue that we've entered a new era in
which the abuses of the capitalist system will be more
difficult to mask and will offer an analysis of the
current economic restructuring and class composition.

Thursday, April 20, 7:30 pm ($6)
-The Muddle of the Middle Class: New York Social Workers
and the Politics of Identity
-Daniel Walkowitz
The globalization of capital, "down-sizing" and
"restructuring" of the late twentieth century have
fundamentally reorganized the occupational structure of
social service and reshaped the identity of social
workers. This history of social worker identity provides
a window on the more general politics of class and work.
As "otherness" is defined as black and female in post-war
consumer culture, the language of class becomes a way of
_not_ talking about class, effectively disabling peoples'
ability to respond to the economic reorganization of

Friday, April 21, 7 pm ($6)
-Workers' Cooperatives: A Trap or an Opportunity for
-Betsy Bowman, Bob Stone, and Len Krimerman
Can we start building socialism now? Existing integrated
co-op sectors of national economies are defenses against
racist and sexist credit policies and capital flight. Co-
op networks in the Basque country, Japan, Italy, and the
Canadian maritime provinces constitute an ecologically
sustainable counter-hegemony to transnational

Betsy Bowman advises Russia's Party of Labor on self-
management. Bob Stone teaches philosophy at C.W. Post
College. Len Krimerman, a sixties-style Marxist-
anarchist, is co-author of _When Workers Decide_. All
three are staffers on _Grassroots Economic Organizing
Newsletter_, but don't expect them to agree.

Tuesday, April 25, 7 pm ($6)
-Who Makes History?
-Bret Eynon
This participatory forum will examine the importance of
social history for an understanding of America's past and
present. Materials from the American Social History
Project will be used to explain and explore the
contending interpretations of immigrant and radical
history in New York and the United States.

Bret Eynon is Education Director of the American Social
History Project.

Classes and Workshops:

-Beginning Spanish (Mondays and Wednesdays beginning
April 3, 5:30-7:30 pm; 8 weeks, 16 sessions; $320)
-Intermediate Spanish (Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning
April 4, 5:30-7:30 pm; 8 weeks, 16 sessions; $320)
-taught by Angela Betelu
Angela Betelu is a native speaker with extensive teaching
experience. Classes are small and emphasize participation
without neglecting grammar. For registration information,
write to or call The Brecht Forum.

-Political Economy Workshop
-Paul Cooney
-alternate Wednesdays, 6-8 pm; ongoing registration; $45
per 4 sessions
This workshop uses a Marxist approach to explore such
topics as: the implications of NAFTA and "free" trade,
the political economy of New York City, and the IMF and
Third World debt. Newcomers are welcome to join this
ongoing group. A background in the study of _Capital_ or
political economy is recommended. The group meets every
two weeks for presentations and discussions. Political
economist Paul Cooney coordinates this workshop.

Saturday, April 22, 11 am-3 pm ($35)
-Navigating the Internet
-Louis Proyect
This workshop will combine a demonstration of the
Internet system with a discussion of the political and
cultural implications of the "Information Highway."
Students will observe key Internet features, including
user lists, electronic publications, and Internet tool
kit. Class size is limited and advance registration is

Louis Proyect, a systems integrator at Columbia
University, is a former president of TECNICA, which sent
technicians to work with the Sandinistas and the African
National Congress.

Special Event:

Saturday, April 1, 9 am-6 pm
-Out from under the Bell Curve: A Teach-in on Confronting
Right-wing Ideology and Social Policy
-at PS 41, Sixth Avenue and Eleventh Street, Manhattan
What is the ideology that underpins the "Contract on
America" and Giuliani's "Reality Therapy"? What is behind
the massive gutting of educational and social programs
that is dramatically reshaping the lives of New Yorkers?
Why is all of this happening now?

This on-day teach-in will use Murray and Hernstein's
much-debated book as a case-in-point. It will bring
together activists and analysts to look at:
--how _The Bell Curve_ supports particular political,
social, and economic agendas;
--how it provides deceptive explanations for widening
class, race, gender, and ethnic divisions; and
--how it erodes basic democratic values.
Panels and workshops will take apart the ideology
embodied in _The Bell Curve_, and discuss how it works
and strategies to combat it.

Keynote speakers include:

--Stephen Jay Gould, Professor of Paleontology and
Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University; author of
_The Mismeasure of Man_ and _Ever Since Darwin_

--Tony Mazzochi, Presidential Assistant, Oil, Chemical,
and Atomic Workers International Union (OCAW), AFL-CIO

--Charmaine Bailey, student, Bronx Community College

--Linda Burnham, Director, Women of Color Resource Center
and an editor of _CrossRoads_ magazine

--Richie Perez, Vice President, National Congress for
Puerto Rican Rights

Workshops will focus on racism, pseudoscience, the
Contract on America, the religious right, public
education, student activism, unemployment, criminal
justice, immigration, environmental racism, the media,
popular education

Registration: $12 for pre-registration; $15 at the door;
$5 for students and low-income (pre-registered and at

Sponsoring organizations: The Brecht Forum (initiator),
Center for Constitutional Rights, Council for Responsible
Genetics, Educators for Social Responsibility, Health
Care: We Gotta Have It!, Genes and Gender Collective,
Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, The Learning
Alliance, National Congress for Puerto Rican Rights,
Network of Black Organizers (NOBO), New Channels
Communications, New York Committees of Correspondence,
People About Changing Education (PACE)

For more information, or to register, write to or call
The Brecht Forum.

Socialist Scholars Conference:

"Beyond the Fragments: Building a Viable Left" is the
theme of this years Socialist Scholars Conference to be
held April 7, 8, and 9 at Manhattan Community College,
199 Chambers Street, New York City. The Brecht Forum/New
York Marxist School is a sponsor and participant. Look
for our forum and workshops in the Conference program.

Pre-registration fees are $30 ($20 students/senior
citizens) and must be received by March 31. To register,
or to receive more information write to: Socialist
Scholars Conference, Department of Sociology/CUNY
Graduate Center Room 800, 33 West 42 Street, New York,
New York 10036, or call the Conference at (212) 642-2826.


All Brecht Forum lectures and seminars are available on
audiotape. Write or call for a complete catalogue listing
all available tapes. Prices are $7 for lecture tapes
(single cassette) and $20 for seminar tapes (usually
three or more cassettes). To order, make checks payable
to *The Brecht Forum* and send to 122 West 27 Street, 10
floor, New York, New York 10001. Please enclose an
additional $1 per order to cover the cost of postage. For
orders outside the U.S., send an international money
order or bank check payable in U.S. funds and enclose an
additional US$5 for air postage.

Selected Brecht Forum events are available on videotape
from Turning the Tide, PO Box 631, Wilton, New Hampshire
03086. Contact TTT directly for a catalog or ordering


The Brecht Forum is an independent institution of the
left, not affiliated with any party or other
organization. Our funding comes primarily from donations
from supporters around the world, and from lecture,
seminar, and class fees. Please note that tuition and
fees only partially cover expenses. We need your
donations to keep our doors open. And, no one is turned
away for inability to pay.


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