Bill, you are completely right.  The rusty cold warriors in the Pentagon 
have been lobbying hard for loopholes in any test ban treaty 
negotiated to exclude "low-yield" tests which are difficult to verify and 
laboratory testing with computer simulations.  Even as the 
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty negotiations have been going on, the US is 
still budgeting for the billion-dollar National Ignition Facility, a huge 
laser project at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory which will allow for the 
design of 
new classes of warheads. (Expanding US nuclear capabilities is sold to 
Congress as "stockpile stewardship"... who can vote against being a good 
steward of our nuclear stockpile?)  For the US to condemn the 
French for wanting to conduct eight tests over the next year would be 
the pot calling the kettle black.

The Greenpeace ship, Rainbow Warrior (II) was in Auckland this week for a 
commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the bombing of the original 
vessel by French secret agents.  Like its namesake was ten years ago, the 
ship has been dispatched to Moruroa to protest the testing.

The International Peace Bureau has called for a boycott of French goods 
and services.

If anyone would like press releases or more information, just email me.

Gina Neff
Economists Allied for Arms Reduction

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