On Wed, 19 Jul 1995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>       The problem, first of all, is not just jobs, but jobs at decent
> wages and security.
Absolutely; that's why I used the words "real jobs."

>       Clinton's 1992 slogan was itself pretty good, "Putting People First."
> But alot of good that slogan did when Wall Street told Clinton to put
> deficit reduction and zero inflation first (see Bob Woodward's "The Agenda").
>       But if its slogans we need, why not just remind Clinton of
> his old one:  Putting People First:  Good Jobs for All.

First, the problem wasn't just Wall Street; the problem was that Wall
Street spoke loud + clear and our side didn't.  Second, I'm looking for
more than just a slogan.  What are the top five actions we'd want taken to
create good jobs for all (and, of course, build institutions that will 
help us keep on fighting)?  I think it's important to frame each proposal
so that it's catchy or it grabs people, but "Putting People FIrst" doesn't
give any real sense of what to do. 

Anders Schneiderman

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