I have gotten quite a few responses to my query on books on the changing 
distribution of income and wealth in the U.S. over the past quarter 
century and think it would be useful for all of us to have a compiled 
list.  So here it is--with a comment if it seems useful.  Missing info is 
just that.  

I've only included non-fiction, but have included all I got (even ones 
that seem somewhat tangential).

Paul Zarembka


Atkonson, A.B., "Income Distribution in Europe and the United States", 
Sept. 1995 (an article on htp://hicks.nuff.ox.ac.uk/brant/ecowp.htm; 
download as .ps-file).

Bluestone, Barry and Bennett Harrison, The Deindustrializing of America.

Bluestone, Barry and Bennett Harrison, The Great U-Turn.

Braun, The Rich Get Richer.

Danzinger and Gottschalk, ed., Uneven Tides: Rising Inequality in the United
States, Russell Sage, 1993.

Edsell, Thomas B., The New Politics of Inequality

Feiner, Susan, ed. Race and Gender in the American Economy: Views from 
across the Spectrum, Prentic Hall, 1994.

Folbre, Nancy, and the Center for Popular Economics, The New Field Guide 
to the U.S. Economy, 1995.

Freeman, Richard, ed., Working under Different Rules, Russell Sage, 1994.

Geohegan, Which Side Are You On?

Goldsmith and Edward Blakely,  Separate Societies, Temple U. Press, 1992.

Greider, William, America: What Went Wrong.

Kalra, Paul, The American Class System: Divide and Rule.  (One person 
said it is poorly edited but excellent research.)

Leavitt, Martin, Confessions of a Union Buster.

Mishel and Bernstein, State of Working America, ME Sharpe for the 
Economic Policy Institute, 1995 (a statistical compilation going beyond 
income and wealth inequality).

Osberg, Lars, Economic Inequality in the United States, Sharpe, 1984.

Phillips, Kevin, The Politics of Rich and Poor: Wealth and the American 
Electorate in the Reagan Aftermath.

Smeeding, Rainwater, and ?, title unknown but a very recent OECD 
publication on OECD income distribution and poverty.

Winnick, Andy, Toward Two Societies, Praeger.

Wolff, Edward N., Top Heavy: A study of the Increasing Inequality of 
Wealth in America, Brookings.

Yates, Michael, Longer Hours, Fewer Jobs, Monthly Review.

?, Who Will Tell the People.

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