At 3:13 PM 12/24/95, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>It is indeed very sad to see law school faculty so inept that they can not
>see the difference between striking, that is, withholding services, and
>taking hostages. It is no wonder that our legal system is so screwed up.
>Regards, Marty

It is even sadder for the institutions of democracy when labor relations
experts cannot respect the rights of employees to freely associate and
choose their own representation, and the responsibility of employers to
recognize that choice.  In this analysis, all labor actions can be equated
with "hostage taking."  In fact, in this case, the only "hostages" are the
faculty who have to grade their own final exams because teaching assistants
have decided to withdraw their services in an attempt to gain bargaining
recognition.  What 'screws up' the legal system is the attempt to deny
representation rights in order to maintain unilateral control of the work

Michael H. Belzer
School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-3901
voice: (607) 255-6185
fax: (607) 255-0107

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