The answer is simple.  As John Calvin made clear centuries ago, if you 
have grace in heaven and are among god's elect (sorry God's elect) you 
will exhibit signs of grace here on earth - status, money, and other 
signs of your status of grace.  If you don't have those outward signs, it 
is because you didn't make the heavenly cut.  And who are we to interfere 
with God's will.

If you don't think this is explains it fairly well, look within ourselves 
to see how deeply somewhere we do believe that status = merit.

Send the prize to the address below. (also a noneconomist who gets lots oout of this 

Ellen J. Dannin
California Western School of Law
225 Cedar Street
San Diego, CA  92101
Phone:  619-525-1449
Fax:    619-696-9999

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