At 10:44 AM 1/17/96, John William Hull wrote:

>Unlike Henwood, however, I'm not so sure how seriously to take
>all the Shiva-esque hoopla.  I'm not at all convinced that many
>of her sort of ideas of anti-scientific rural romanticism have much
>influence in practical political circles.  I see it more as an academic
>cattage industry that has little impact outside of the academy, especially
>on grass roots activists (much like post-structuralism).

I find them to be influential, in pure or diluted form, in anti-development
NGO circles and among funders. Though deep ecology and ecofeminism are
reported to be at odds - DE being seen as macho (living proof: Dave
Foreman) - Shiva has been embraced by to Esprit-founder Doug Tompkins'
Foundation for Deep Ecology, funder of the Wildlands project, which aims to
depopulate the rural western US. Tompkins also funds Jeremy Rifkin, who is
not without influence.



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
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