At 6:02 PM 1/22/96, Richard Ira Lavine wrote:

>I thought maybe this list would have some ideas......
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 22 Jan 1996 13:16:20 -0900
>From: C. Oleson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Reich questions
>I may have the opp to do a radio interview with US Labor Secretary Reich.
>Suggestions for questions welcome. (PLEASE:   no polemics, no long-winded
>opinions) Assume I have read his books and many of his major
>publications. Thanks.

Here's one. An agency within his department, the BLS, projects that most of
the new employment growth over the next decade will be in the classic
postindustrial shit job category - guards, orderlies, etc. So why does he
persist in saying that the key to a prosperous future is training everyone
to be a symbolic analyst? And given that job picture, what does he
recommend to boost low-end earnings and reduce social polarization, which
he actually seems to care about?



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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