> From:           "Sam Sternberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date sent:      Thu, 25 Jan 1996 08:15:37 -0400
> Subject:        The future of employment - robert Reich gets it right.
> Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Priority:       normal
> Date:    Wed, 24 Jan 1996 17:27:21 -0500
> From:    "David S. Bennahum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: MEME 2.02
> - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> meme: (pron. 'meem') A contagious idea that replicates  like a virus,
> passed on from mind to mind. Memes function the same way genes and viruses
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> between people.  Derived from the word "memetics," a field of study which
> postulates that the meme is the basic unit of cultural evolution. Examples
> of memes include melodies, icons, fashion statements and phrases.
> - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> MEME 2.02
> In this issue:
>         o Interview with U.S. Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich.
>         "Ultimately, we have to decide whether we are no more than an
> economy sharing a common currency in which the primary social glue binding
> us together is the business transactions we do with one another, or if we
> are still a society in which we have special obligations to one another as
> citizens."
>                         --Robert Reich, in MEME 2.02.
> In the first week of January, AT&T fired approximately 40,000 employees out
> of a total workforce of approximately 305,000 people.  This came several
> months after AT&T shocked the world by announcing its intention to divide
> into three separate companies: a telecommunications service company (known
> as AT&T), an un-named second company based at Bell Labs which will build
> the hardware behind telephone networks, and a third company specializing in
> computers, to be named National Cash Register (NCR).
> AT&T, one of the oldest, and arguably most successful, corporations in the
> United States, made this decision for several reasons.  One, according to
> CEO Bob Allen, included making AT&T more competitive in the changing world
> of communications, a world where simply carrying telephone conversation is
> replaced by complex layers of "content" -- from multimedia to
> video-conferencing to unknown digital network applications.
> Simultaneously, the U.S. Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, made several
> pronouncements about the significance of these firings for the US economy
> at the start of the so-called Information Age.  Reich used the term
> "electronic capitalism" in a New York Times op-ed to describe the changing
> nature of the world economy and work.
> I managed to get the Secretary on the telephone for about a half-hour, and
> we discussed the implications of AT&T's actions and the changing nature of
> capitalism in the Information Age.  What follows is a transcript of that
> conversation.
> David Bennahum:  Mr. Secretary, I want to thank you for taking the time to
> speak to me today.  I read your op-ed piece, and I'm hoping in this
> conversation to really sink our teeth into the nature of work in an era of
> electronic capitalism and the degree to which capitalism is changing, in a
> sense, because of, shall we say, the Information Age or the arrival of an
> economy based on information.
>         Reading your Op-Ed, you had this phrase "electronic capitalism" and
> that it's replaced the gentlemanly investment system that we used to have
> before.  So I'm wondering, maybe to begin with, if we can start by looking
> at what do you mean by "electronic capitalism"?
> Robert Reich:  A form of capitalism in which investment decisions are made
> with extraordinary rapidity.  Money can be moved at the speed of an
> electronic impulse.  And there are a wide range of alternative places to
> park money, not only inside the borders of one country, but literally
> around the globe.  Capital has never been as mobile.  In fact, it is hard
> to conceive of how it could be more mobile.
>         People, however, are still rather immobile.  In fact,
> two-wage-earner families are becoming the norm, and two wage-earners have a
> harder time moving from place to place and getting jobs than one
> wage-earner.  It's also difficult for people to leave friends and family
> when they depend on friends and family as never before for baby-sitting,
> support, economic support, and even loneliness.
>         And finally, it's become difficult for people to move because often
> much of their assets are tied up in their homes, in property values.  The
> rich rely upon stocks and bonds.  The middle-class relies upon their own
> home as their primary savings vehicle.  But when the economy turns sour in
> a particular region because of a massive layoff, housing values begin to
> deteriorate.  It's more difficult to afford to move to a place where jobs
> are growing and property values are, accordingly, soaring.
>         So we have the paradoxical situation in which electronic capitalism
> is making financial capital ever more mobile, at precisely the same time as
> it has become ever more difficult for people to move, change jobs, and
> change locations.
>         I ought to add one more point about the difficulty of shifting
> ground.  New jobs often require new skills.  Unlike the old days in which a
> machinist in one firm could leave that firm if necessary, and become a
> machinist in another firm, today the good jobs require skills, and it is
> not always easy to get new skills for a new job.  Often one has to learn
> those new skills.  So mobility from job to job, particularly good-paying
> jobs -- well, actually all jobs -- is somewhat less than it was in a mass
> production economy.
> DB:     Is the core behind all these problems the digitization of our
> economy, in a sense?
> RR:     To call it a problem I think makes a conceptual leap.  it's a
> problem to the extent that there is a widening disjuncture between the
> extraordinary speed at which financial capital is moving and the
> difficulties that individuals and families have catching up.  It means that
> many people who lose their jobs are left without easy access to a new job.
> Financial insecurity is rampant because job insecurity is endemic...
> DB:     Let me ask you this question then.  If one of the fundamental
> powers of our nation used to be, in a sense, that it had some degree of
> control over its economy, to what degree does this mobile, sort of nomadic
> capital undermine the ability of nation-states to have a say in governing
> how their economy functions?
> RR:     Well, considerably.  Not only the nation-states have less capacity
> because economic policy increasingly is determined by bond traders and
> investment capital moving around the world, but communities have even less
> capacity to determine their own fates.  The entire communities are
> susceptible to sudden loss of jobs, or a decision by a major business to
> leave.  Communities, states and nations are all being played off against
> other communities, states and nations in a giant bidding war which is
> undermining local tax bases at the same time as it penalizes the smaller
> businesses that have less bargaining leverage, because they can't get the
> same tax benefits.
>         Now, what's the answer here?  Surely not to immobilize financial
> capital.  I think it would be a mistake to believe that the only solution
> lies in imposing draconian controls on the movement of capital.  Part of
> the solution may be making it easier for people to gain mobility.  In fact,
> that's one of the goals that we have set for ourselves, creating a
> reemployment system that is modeled on a very different premise than the
> old unemployment insurance system, which assumed that one would get one's
> job back again after a downturn, when the company was rehiring.  The term
> "layoff" is a misnomer.  It comes from a time in our history in which most
> job loss was temporary, people were "laid off" until they were back on the
> payrolls.  But these days, 70 percent of the people who lose their jobs
> lose them permanently.  A better term would be probably "castoff."
>         Perhaps in addition to easing the transition from job to job,
> giving people better opportunities to get new skills, setting up a new
> digitized information system so that people can know what jobs are
> available and what skills underlie those jobs... By the way, that's all now
> being created, and we're moving on that as fast as we can.  But besides
> that, we perhaps also need to create incentives for companies to upgrade
> employee skills, to bring workers on as partners in terms of profit-sharing
> and gain sharing, and if they are going to lay off people, do so in a way
> in which the company assumes more of the cost of retraining them and
> finding them new jobs paying comparable salaries.
> DB:     Can I ask you a question, though, about... As someone who grew up
> with computers, as part of that first generation of people to sort of get
> them as kids in the Seventies, for me it's something I'm very comfortable
> with.  I sort of understand the machine.  I sort of grew up with it, so
> there's no real barrier for me.  I know that I'm very fortunate in that
> way.  And I do, because of that knowledge and being with the machine, have
> this feeling (and I think it might be true) that they are enabling
> companies to be more efficient in the way they process information and
> organize themselves.  So is it actually possible that the people being
> pushed out simply really won't be able to find work because literally we've
> made the work "more efficient" so there's simply not the need for human
> power that there used to be?
> RR:     I don't believe that.  I believe, and my belief is based upon
> travels all around the country where I've seen technology creating new
> demands for new skills we hadn't even heard of years ago... The garage
> mechanics, for example, who understand the electronics underneath the hoods
> of new cars and can diagnose and repair those electronics, are earning
> $50,000 and $60,000.  They are not garage mechanics in the traditional
> sense of the word.  Cashiers who can use computers to control inventories
> become inventory managers and are much more valuable than the cashiers of
> old.  Truck drivers, those who have computers in their cabs and time
> deliveries for precisely when the customers need them and also understand
> how to repair and install the machinery are more than truck drivers -- they
> really are technicians.
> DB:     I can see that happening.  But the counter-argument is made that,
> you know, there used to be a clerk and an inventory manager; now there is a
> clerk who does the inventory management.  They get paid the same amount the
> clerk used to get paid, and one job has disappeared.
> RR:     What we know from the economy is that of the 8 million jobs created
> over the past three years, most of them paid better than the median wage.
> In fact, the most rapidly growing job categories are knowledge-intensive;
> I've called them "symbolic analysts."  Why are they growing so quickly?
> Why are they paying so well?  Because technology is generating all sorts of
> new possibilities.  There's not a fixed number of jobs to be parceled out
> of which technology might be replacing one portion.  Rather, technology
> generates its own new jobs.  And although the routine jobs are being
> replaced very rapidly, higher-skilled jobs which utilize the technology for
> problem-solving are being created at an even more rapid clip.
>         The problem is that many people don't have the right skills.  We
> were a mass production economy in the 1950's.  Our middle class was created
> through mass production industries.  in fact, high volume mass production,
> stable mass production generated the sorts of jobs that were the doorways
> into the post-War middle class.  But the new middle class is based on a
> completely different premise.  Instead of high-volume, standardized, stable
> mass production, it is based upon the paradigm of continuous technological
> change.  The only people who are thriving in this new economy are people
> who are becoming more valuable because they are utilizing the technology to
> generate greater and greater value and output.  Professionals, top
> managers, technicians of all types are actually riding the wave of
> technology.  The top 20 percent of income-earners in this country are doing
> exceedingly well.  The top 5 percent are doing superbly well.
>         The problem is that median wages are stagnating.  They've been
> stagnating for 15 years.  Even though the economy has grown, 97 percent of
> the growth in family income over the past fifteen years has gone to the top
> 20 percent of households -- I should say household income.  And half of
> that has gone to the top 5 percent.
>         There's not a shortage of jobs.  I mean, if you look at the
> employment picture, you'll see that (although I don't have December's
> figures) through November we had 15 straight months of unemployment lower
> than 6 percent, which many people said could not be achieved without
> igniting inflation.  There's no inflation.  There's no inflation in sight.
> The problem is that of the 115 million existing jobs, those already
> existing in 1993, they have split between a relatively few paying better
> and better, and a much larger number paying worse and worse.  Technology
> and globalization have conspired to shift demand in favor of people with
> skills, the right education, and (I'll also add in) the right connections,
> and against people without these attributes.
> DB:     What do you mean by "right connections"?
> RR:     In the new... I mean, electronic capitalism places a great premium
> on being at the right place in the right time, with the right skills.  One
> of the great benefits of going to an elite college (and by the way, this
> has always been a great benefit; it's probably more of a benefit now than
> ever before) is meeting people who are plugged in to the new economy, or
> more likely, whose parents and relatives are plugged in.  It's those job
> connections.  You know, my Uncle, my Father, my Mother, my Aunt, my
> Friend's Friend is in this industry, is doing that.  Experience counts for
> so much, the first few jobs count for so much, that web of connections
> often in a university setting often is vitally important.
>         There are also the connections that come from working in a dynamic
> sector of the economy.  If you are deeply involved right now in the
> Internet in terms of products being generated on the Internet, chances are
> you're rubbing elbows in cyberspace with people who are doing some
> fascinating things.  You have a greater likelihood of knowing what you need
> to learn over the next six months in order to get closer to the cutting
> edge.
> DB:     Does that tend to increase or accelerate the process of division
> between the top strata and the rest?
> RR:     Absolutely.  Because the people who are in the middle of the income
> distribution, or below, are that much less likely to have that elite
> education or to be rubbing elbows in cyberspace.  You mentioned a moment
> ago that you were a product of...
> DB:     Yeah, I'm one of those lucky people.  I went to Harvard and work on
> cyberspace.
> RR:     But what I want to emphasize is, it's less generational than it is
> socio-economic.  There are many people now who are middle-aged and who have
> become computer-literate,  perhaps not computer nerds but
> computer-literate, because they have the tools to learn.  But young people
> today who are 5, 6, 7, 8 years old, young teenagers today who are in homes
> without computers, who have no idea how to use them, what to do with them,
> how they can be tools for learning, those young people are at a serious
> disadvantage, even if they didn't face all the other barriers that they now
> face.
> DB:     The image of the Information Age that we used to have in the
> Fifties and Sixties was one of prosperity, and then in the Seventies and
> Eighties was one of prosperity mixed with technological wizardry, and that
> we'd have these high-scale jobs that at least would give us really high
> pay.  But it was a very optimistic vision, I would say.
> RR:     Well, it's a vision that has come true for a segment of our
> population.  But electronic capitalism also enables the most successful to
> secede from the rest of society.  It is now possible for top level
> managers, professionals and technicians to communicate directly with their
> counterparts around the world to generate new products and services for
> other counterparts around the world without depending economically upon the
> productivity of lower-wage and less-skilled people.
> DB:     And in a sense, because of that, the moral link to the community
> has been severed, right?
> RR:     Exactly.
> DB:     I mean, you're no longer a part of a community, so you have no...
> RR:     Exactly.  The word "community" right now is a very
> appealing...connotes very appealing images.  But in reality, very few
> people live in socioeconomically diverse townships.  In fact, we are, as a
> nation, segregating by income to a much larger extent than every before.
> Zip Code marketing has become the rage because marketers know that where we
> live has a lot to do with what we can afford to buy.  And remember that the
> local tax base is still the major revenue source for schools, libraries,
> infrastructure, and many social services.  It's not surprising, therefore,
> that we're seeing a wider and wider divergence between the public services
> available to those living in very wealthy suburbs and exurbs and people who
> are in working-class and poor towns.
> DB:     I was at AT&T, and what they're trying to build now is a whole
> framework for electronic commerce internationally and locally, where goods
> and services and jobs really know absolutely no borders, neither in this
> country nor outside of them.  Does this process accelerate, then?
> RR:     Yes, it does.  During the next few years, this country is going to
> be forced to so some very hard thinking about what it means to be a nation,
> and also what it means to be a community.  The budget battle that's going
> on right now in Washington is just a small piece of that larger public
> discussion.  Ultimately, we have to decide whether we are no more than an
> economy sharing a common currency in which the primary social glue binding
> us together is the business transactions we do with one another, or if we
> are still a society in which we have special obligations to one another as
> citizens.
> DB:     That's a pretty profound decision we have to make.
> RR:     Well, we'll make it one way or another, whether we know it and we
> make it consciously or if we don't know it and we make it implicitly.
> DB:     If you had one question to pose to Bob Allen, the CEO of AT&T right
> now, if you could be in a room with him, what would you ask him?
> RR:     Well, it's the same question I ask a number of CEO's these days,
> particularly from very profitable companies which are cutting back on their
> workers.  What's the purpose of a corporation?  Is it merely to maximize
> shareholder returns, or does a corporation also have special obligations to
> its employees and the communities in which they live?  If it's only to
> maximize shareholder returns, then the burden of proof falls upon CEO's to
> show how meeting that goal is likely to improve the standard of living of
> all people in our society.  To some extent, obviously, it does.
> DB:     Right.  But at what cost?
> RR:     Yes, at what cost?  Remember, corporations are creatures of law.
> They don't exist in Nature.  We have decided to organize them in a certain
> way.  It could be that in this era of electronic capitalism, we have to
> think creatively about a slightly different form of organization, which
> maximizes shareholder returns but also living standards for a much broader
> segment of our society.
> DB:     And that's the role of government and us as a community, to decide
> what...
> RR:     Well, ultimately, it's a social choice.  Again, because
> corporations don't exist in a state of Nature, we need to make that choice
> consciously.
> DB:     Do you think the 30,000 folks who got laid off yesterday are going
> to be able to find satisfying, meaningful work?
> RR:     Some of them will.  The Telecommunications sector of the economy is
> going to be growing very rapidly.  Those who have the right combinations of
> education, skills and connections will do very well.  But middle and lower
> level white collar supervisors and also blue and pink collar workers who
> don't have the right skills or who...well, maybe just who don't have the
> right skills, may find it far more difficult.
> At this point we were cut off by Reich's press secratary because Reich had
> another appointment.
> - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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