>Louis Proyect wrote:
>>Essentially, this is the same kind of argument being made by defenders of
>>capitalism in this discussion. They say that things are getting better in
>>the third world. Look at life expectancy figures. They are better than they
>>were 100 years ago. Isn't that progress? Why disrupt this march forward
>>with ill-advised attempts to alter the economic system, which might lead to
>>Pol Pot or Stalin.
>Who exactly has made this argument? Not even Brad De Long, really.

I think most PEN-L'ers would agree that this is exactly Brad's argument.

>Someone was once described to me as having a "strategic view of the 
>truth." A very useful phrase, I'd say.

What is the truth? Why do the swallows fly back to Capistrano? Why is the
sky blue? Why does pee smell funny after you've eaten asparagus?

>I hadn't realized the Latin American population was so politically 
>mobilized. I guess I've fallen out of touch.

Yes, you are out of touch. 

Louis Proyect
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