Pinochet was a mass murder. I am happy to see him hounded by whoever until he
dies. If only the same could happen to Henry Kissenger.

It is also distressing to see self-proclaimed Marxist arguing for the
sovereignty of the bourgeois state. A crime is a crime where ever it happens.
And in this case the "imperialists" including Tony Blair and his cabinet seem
to be doing whatever they can get away with to help Pinochet.

On the Yahoo issue. I don't want the state to come down on thought crimes, but
that shouldn't stop tallpaul and his comrades from harassing any fascists they


Carrol Cox wrote:

> > I would be careful in such a campaign.  The legal basis of arresting
> > Pinochet or restricting operation rescue are certain to be turned against
> > the left.
> >
> > I suspect that my fears will put me in the minority here.
> In reference to Pinochet I am wholly with you. It is disastrous for
> the left to lend encouragement to imperialist intervention for any
> reason whatever in third-world countries. It is in addition a
> seriously divisive issue on the left.
> The case with Yahoo is ambiguous. I do not want to appeal to
> the state power to do more than enforce its laws equally -- we
> have argued the "hate crime" issue before on this and other
> lists. But while I would not appeal to state power to suppress
> a Klan, I would have no objections to using mass struggle (up
> to an including "illegal measures" if they could be politically
> justified to enough people) to crush a Klan out of existence
> or to block a Nazi parade. On the Yahoo thing, however,
> I just don't know. I tend to lean to Michael's view.
> Carrol

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

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