Here's some new anti-imperialist slogans:

Hands off Pinochet!
Self-determination for Chile!
No to the rule of international capitalist law!

Reductio, I'd like you to meet my friend Absurdum.

Can states rights be far behind?  
 . . . Clinton/Gore are worse
than the Repugs; Dubya doesn't want to interfere
in S. Carolina's flag dispute . . . It's starting
to make sense.  Now I'm worried.


I guess Rod thinks I did. But to respond would simply be to reopen
the whole debate over the Balkan War. I will note however that there
is no such thing as *the* bourgeois state. There are only bourgeois
states. And I don't want the particular bourgeois states, U.S., U.K.,
Germany, Japan, etc. (the core imperialist powers) interfering in
the internal affairs of third-world bourgeois states. The arguments
behind that have heaved to-and-fro on all the lists and I won't go
into them here.


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