Whenever a corp. does anything progressive; e.g., domestic partner benefits, it
comes under right wing pressure.  Sears is discontinuing Benneton because of its
anti-death penalty ads.


> In a message dated 00-02-16 23:15:01 EST, you write:
> << On the Yahoo issue. I don't want the state to come down on thought crimes,
> but
>  that shouldn't stop tallpaul and his comrades from harassing any fascists
> they
>  find. >>
> Why does it get the state involved, esxcept in the most attenuated way, to
> ask that Yahoo live up to its (private) contractual obligations? We can't
> even sue on the contract, since we are not parties or third party
> beneficiaries. --jks

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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