The latest anti-fascist protest against Yahoo for providing free organizing
tools for fascists on the net has led a number of people to question
certain legal issues and others to ask for specific documents concerning
the illegality of fascism.

The ARCHIVES at <> have been upgraded and a new
"Legal" section added to deal with these issues.

The contents are as follows:

The U.S. Constitutional Basis For the Legal Documents

Documents Concerning the Illegality of Fascism Under U.S. and International

1) International Covenant On Civil and Political Rights U.N.T.S. No. 14668,
vol 999 (1976), p. 171.

2) International Convention On the Elimination Of All Forms Of Racial
Discrimination BH490.txt (60 UNTS 195)

3) [International] Convention On the Prevention and Punishment Of the Crime
Of Genocide U.N.T.S. No. 1021, vol. 78 (1951), p. 277

4) [International] Joint Four-Nation Declaration of October 1943 (The
Moscow Conference)

5) [U.S.] Genocide Convention Implementation Act of 1987 (the Proxmire
Act), U.S. Code, Title 18, Chapter 50A, Sections 1091 et seq

6) [U.S. Supreme Court] Justice Jackson's Report to the President On
Atrocities and War Crimes of 7 June 1945

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