This sort of comment has no place on pen-l.  I do not see how trashing 
muslims does anything to further progressive values in any way.  I assume
that other lists would find sort of comment more compelling.
> Chris Jackson a.k.a Rauf is a hypocritical asshole.  of course by 
> standing he is not condoning anything.  he can sertainly say he is 
> standing out of resoect for his teammates and fans who may have differing 
> views on certain issues.  I would suggest he go live in one of his 
> beloved Moslem countries where the daily horrors might not be so shocking 
> to him.
> He's the kind of asshole Orwell talked about who would be nowhere to be 
> found when the trigger is pulled.
> What a punk.  Of course it's easy to say he'll never play the game again, 
> he's probably got 8 or 9 million socked away.
> Yeah, I guess the persecution he faces is akin to a jew in Nazi Germany 
> or a dissident in the Soviet Union.  I weep for him and his struggle.
> I consider myself a civil libertarian but these limo-rads are assholes.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 916-898-5321

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