Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 23:48:07 +0200=20
From: Daniel Ben-Avraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Closures in Palestine - MoH Report (fwd)=20

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 20:43:18 +2:00
To: Professor Carmi Margalit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Closures - MoH Report

Dear Carmi,

Please find enclosed a report & appeal from the Palestinian Ministry=20
of Health, for your perusal. Thank you.



Report Number 3: March 14, 1996


Today marks the 11th day of the continuous total closure imposed by the=20
Israeli Authorities on each and every Palestinian city, town and village. T=
closure entails:=20

=FA_=09Confinement of all Palestinians each to his/her place of living and =
of exit from it. Including denial of access to essential medical services a=
to food supplies.
=FA_=09Denial of all Palestinians access to Israel, including access to ess=
medical services not available in Palestine as a result of the 28 years of=
=FA_=09Denial of all Palestinians access to travel abroad irrespective of t=

=FA_=09A standstill of all trade and business activity between the differen=
t towns=20
and villages.
=FA_=09Loss of sources of living for several hundreds of thousands of worke=

The Palestinian Ministry of Health views this confinement of the Palestinia=
population in totality as an unwarranted act of collective punishment. The=
difficulties imposed on the Palestinian people as a result of this closure =
unprecedented in magnitude and harshness. The consequences of the=20
closure are starvation, and health catastrophes.

The Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian people have openly denounced=
the acts of violence committed against Israelis and vouched to continue the=
struggle for peace. Violence takes forms other than bombings. These include=
denial of access to essential health services. Denial of access to work whi=
is leading to starvation. Combating violence applies to all the forms it ta=
Examples of what has occurred have included the following, only to mention =

=FA_=09A newborn baby from Qalqilia requiring urgent admission to hospital =
Tulkarem died at the Tulkarem checkpoint as a result of denial of entry to=
=FA_=09A lady in labor was denied entry to hospital in Bethlehem. She deliv=
at the checkpoint. The two newborn twins died at that checkpoint.
=FA_=09A 50 year man from Rantis village with a heart attack was denied ent=
ry to=20
Ramallah. He died at Rantis checkpoint.
=FA_=09A 54 year old lady suffering from intestinal obstruction was kept fo=
r five=20
hours at the Eretz checkpoint. She died on the way to hospital.

These forms of violence are inseparable from the bombings. Those who claim=
to be opposed to the violence and who are exercising all that is in their p=
to stop it, should not be practicing violence themselves.

We appeal to all people in the world, to the leaders of all the nations, to=
co-sponsors of the peace process, the Presidents of the United States of=20
America and of the Russian Federal Republic, to the International=20
Organizations, the United Nations, the Humanitarian Organizations, the=20
International Committee of the Red Cross, and the World Health=20
Organization. We appeal to them to exercise pressure on the Israeli=20
Authorities to immediately lift the closure and put an end to the human=20
catastrophes resulting from it.

We declare that the following is resulting from the closure:

_1_.=09Thousands of medical staff in governmental and non-governmental=20
hospitals are denied access to their places of work. This has weakened=20
the ability of the medical services to cope with the increasing demands=20
imposed on them as a result of the closure.
_2_.=09Thousands of patients are denied access to hospitals and health cent=
in all the Palestinian cities, towns and villages.
_3_.=09Ambulances, and other vehicles transporting patients are not permitt=
ed to=20
travel to and from the Palestinian Authority areas.
_4_.=09Palestinian villages are deprived from essential curative and preven=
medical services.
_5_.=09The Israeli Authorities insisted at the negotiations to standardize =
immunization program for both Israel and Palestine. As a result of the=20
closure, the Essential Program of Immunization has now stopped in the=20
Palestinian cities, towns, and villages due to inability of both patients a=
medical staff to reach the health centers. In addition, supplies of vaccine=
have run out. We are unable to replenish supplies as these are obtained=20
through Israeli sources. We here would like to ask the Israeli Minister of=
Health how he can accept on principle that Israeli children continue to=20
receive their immunizations whilst Palestinian children are being deprived=
of them. This imposes a health hazard not only to Palestinian, but also to=
Israeli children and other children in the region.
_6_.=09While the Israeli Authorities yesterday declared that they would per=
mit the=20
passage of essential drugs to the Palestinian Authority, they have=20
imposed unacceptable conditions and obstacles regarding the transfer=20
process. In addition, the Palestinian pharmaceutical companies are=20
rendered unable to produce their usual quantities because of the=20
impossibility of their work force to get to their work locations. In additi=
on it=20
is impossible to distribute pharmaceuticals that happen to be in stock.
_7_.=09Cancer patients in Gaza, and West Bank cities are still prohibited f=
going to Israeli hospitals to receive treatment. There are sixty such=20
patients. Dr. Levanon, Health Coordinator for Gaza, has suggested that=20
these patients may be sent to Israeli hospitals, however, there is no=20
possibility for their return.
_8_.=09Since February 25, 1996, ninety eight applications for patients from=
requiring treatment in West Bank hospitals have been submitted to the=20
Israeli Authorities to permit their passage from Gaza to the West Bank.=20
Only eight patients were permitted.
_9_.=09A serious drop in the pharmaceutical stocks in the Palestinian Autho=
has occurred. This requires immediate replenishment.
_10_.=09Children suffering from chronic renal failure are not permitted pas=
sage to=20
dialysis units in Israel. =20
_11_.=09Adult patients suffering from chronic renal failure, for whom dialy=
facilities are available in Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah, Gaza, and Khan=20
Younis are denied access to the relevant health facilities .
_12_.=09We are unable to make available the necessary medical solutions for=
chronic renal patients who are undergoing continuous ambulatory renal=20
dialysis at their homes.
_13_.=09We are unable to provide the hospitals with the necessary oxygen=20
supplies, and other important medical supplies . Surgical threads and vital=
drugs come under this category.
_14_.=09The National Vaccination Day against Poliomyelitis is due, as agree=
following last years vaccination day, to be on February 21, 1996 in=20
Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria. All children up to five year=
of age should have received this vaccine. One million and one hundred=20
thousand doses should be distributed on that day. Given the current=20
closure, we will not be able to vaccinate our Palestinian children. The=20
danger of  spread of Poliomyelitis amongst Palestinian children will be=20
very high.
_15_.=09On March 11, 1996 a few cancer patients were given very special=20
permission to pass through the Eretz check point as they required=20
lifesaving treatment in Israeli Hospitals. The vehicles transporting them=
were not allowed to pass. How were they expected to get to hospitals in=20
Tel Aviv in this very strict closure. Walk from Gaza to Tel Aviv on foot ?
_16_.=09Palestinian physicians who work in villages are not permitted to ge=
t to the=20
villages where they work. Consequently, these villages are being deprived=
from essential primary care services.
In spite of our continuous appeals to the Israeli Ministry of Health and to=
Israeli Minister of Health, Dr. Ephraim Sneh in person, to rescue our child=
and patients and help with the essential medical supplies and vaccines,  we=
have unfortunately received no response.

The so called coordinator of Health Services for Gaza, Dr. Levanon, has not=
responded to any of the letters or telephone calls from the Director-Genera=
of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza. Is this the so-called coordi=

The Israeli Authorities have been asking for cooperation and coordination=
with the Palestinian Authority. We have been working jointly to create a=20
center at Eretz check point to treat both the Palestinians and the Israelis=
.. The=20
Israeli Authorities coordinated with the Palestinian Ministry of Health at =
high levels for purposes of workshops and study days. Today we experience=
extreme suffering, when our children are dying at the military check points=
when our elderly are dying inside ambulances not permitted to get to=20
hospitals, when our ladies are giving birth at the check points and the=20
newborns are dying there, we do not even find a listening ear from the Isra=

The following is a list of tragedies that have resulted from the imposed=20

1 Yasser Amen Ebrahim Nazal, 55 years old,  from Kabatya, suffering from=20
Combined Fracture of the Left Hip, was not permitted to go to Makassed=20

2 Hussin Mahmood Hussin Al- jamal, 62 years old from Tulkarem. He was=20
prevented from going to Al-Watany Hospital in Nablus.

3 Zakya Al - Shaarawi , 34 years old, High risk delivery, she was not allow=
to reach Al- Makased.

4 Amjad Maher Abu Ayshh, 12 years old from Beitlahim, he suffered from=20
Kidney failure, he was not allowed to go to Shaare Zedek Hospital.

5 Mustafa Kaleel Ibraheem Dar Mohamed, 25 years old from Jerico, suffering=
from Oseophageal Perforation, and because the closure he could not reach=20

6 Riyad Rafidi, he is 42 years old from Ramallah, he is suffering from=20
Myocardial Infarction,  could not reach Al Makased Hospital.

7 Akif Suliman Abu Aram, 32 years old from Hebron, suffering from Spinal=20
Fracture, he could not reach Al-Makased Hospital.

8 Jamal Abu Labn, 23 years old from Beitlahem, suffering from Hemophilia,=
Upper Gastro-intestinal bleeding. It was impossible for him to get to Al-
Makased Hospital.

9 The child Shaker Basem Shawahneh, a 21 day old newborn from Qalqilia,=20
he suffered from Pneumonia, he died at Tulkarem check point.

10 Mohamed Abd Al-rhman Mohamed Al-deek, 83 years old from Qalqilia,=20
suffering from Skull Fracture, he was prevented from going to Nablus.

11 Mohamed Daood Aodeh, 3 years old from Qalqilia, he is suffering from=20
Skull Fracture, he was not allowed to reach Nablus.

12 Hana Anadony, 10 years old, from Beit Jala  suffering from Chronic Renal=
Failure, he could not reach Hebron=20

13 Basema Khalaf, she is 17 years old, from Nablus, suffering from=20
Hemorrhage requiring Platelet Transfusion, due to Hemophilia, we are still=
unable to bring the platelets from Israel.

14 Nadera Omar Fotyan, 19 years old, suffering from Hemorrhage requiring=20
Platelet Transfusion, due to Hemophilia, we are still unable to bring the=
platelets from Israel.

15 Maher Abu Al- Rub, 28 years old, suffering from Hemorrhage requiring=20
Platelet Transfusion, due to Hemophilia, we are still unable to bring the=
platelets from Israel.

16 Mfaddy Yousef Mohammed Bsharat, the coordination for his passage=20
lasted for 10 hours before permit was issued to him, so that we can possibl=
transfer him from Jericho to Jenin.

17 Admon George Habash, died at mental Hospital at Beitlaheem. The=20
coordination lasted for more than 5 hours at the check point. He was checke=
for two hours at the check point.

18 Mustafa Abd Alwahed Nayef, 54 years old, suffering from Acute=20
Myocardial Infarction, he died at checkpoint Rantice on 13\3\1996.

19 Hanan Omar Zayed Twins from Hussan. The Twins Died at Biet Lahem=20
check point.

20 Khadijeh Mohammed Adwan. She is 54 years old from Biet Hanun=20
suffering from Intestinal Obstruction, she was kept at Eretz check point mo=
than 5 hours, and died before reaching hospital.

21 Ahmad Abd El Hameed Abu Amran, 4 years old from Dier Al Balah=20
suffering from Cerebral Hemorrhage. He was not permitted to reach Tal=20
Hashumair Hospital.

22 Ahmad Zanoon, He suffers Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage permit to transfer=20
him to Alshefa Hospital in Gaza was denied.

23 Ala' Al Deen Said, 35 years old from Gaza he suffers Lung Cancer ,he=20
was prevented from reaching Tal Hashumair Hospital=20

24 Manal Araf Mushtha, 31 years old from Gaza, she suffers leukemia, she=20
was not able to reach Haifa. =20

25 Rami Riyad Jaber, six year old child from Gaza. He needs badly=20
Ophthalmic surgery, but could not reach the Ophthalmic Hospital in=20

26 Eehab Hussun Allah , 4 years child from Gaza , he was stopped from=20
going to the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem .

27 Salah Mohmood Kraar, 37 years old from Gaza, requiring Neurosurgery,=20
he could not pass to Al-Makased Hospital.

28 Zeinab Al-aswad, 46 years old from Gaza, suffering from Leukemia, she=20
could not possibly reach Assuta Hospital.

29 Hamdi Abu Ghalyon , 28 years old , from Gaza , requiring Vascular=20
Surgery, he was not able to reach St. George's Hospital.

30 Mayson Abu Wadi, four years old, from Gaza, suffering from Congenital=20
Heart Disease, was unable to get to Al-Makased Hospital.

31 Ahmad Jaber Madi, 3 years old , Ventricular Septal Defect, was not=20
permitted transfer from Al-Naser Hospital in Gaza to Al- Makased Hospital i=

32 Fayad Madi, 18 years old, suffering from Ventricular Septal Defect, was=
unable to get transfer from Al-Naser Hospital in Gaza to Al-Makased Hospita=

33 Suria Hassan Abu Sultan, 51 years old , suffering from Acute Myocardial=
Infarction, was unable to move from Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza to Al-Makased=
Hospital in Jerusalem.

34 Ahmad Shhadeh Shaheen, 11 years old ,died from Cardiac Arrest, having=20
been denied access Al-Makased Hospital in Jerusalem .

35 Musa Shhadh Hasnain 45 years old, suffering from Heart Attack, was=20
unable to reach Al- Makased Hospital.

We therefore ask the international community to intervene and put an end to=
the human catastrophe being caused in the name of stopping violence and=20
promoting peace. Finally, let us pray together that there will be an immedi=
end to this suffering.

Dr. Munzer Al-Sharrif,
Deputy Minister of Health,
Palestine National Authority.

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