from today's "Today's Paper's," from today's SLATE:

>A big development in 80s and 90s journalism was the press's unabashed 
>idolatry of rich people. But now apparently, the media
>doesn't just adore these folks--it feels sorry for them. Yesterday's LA 
>[TIMES] front had a lengthy takeout on the recently discovered tragedy 
>known as "sudden wealth syndrome." Billions can, it seems, bring the newly 
>rich "a sense of isolation, uncertainty and imbalance--as if they had been 
>teleported into an alien world that was very pleasant at times but still 
>completely strange." And today's [Washingon POST] runs a "Style" profile 
>of Red Hat cash-out Marc Ewing and his wife Lisa Yun Lee, which along the 
>way details the conscience pangs Lee is suffering: while she was finishing 
>up her thesis on neo-Marxism at Duke, she bought herself a new BMW, but 
>driving it to campus made her feel "disjointed." Solution--she parked it 
>three lots away from campus.

I am willing to be in an experiment to test the "sudden wealth syndrome" 
theory. If everyone who reads this were to send me $10 (US), I could see if 
I suffer from "a sense of isolation, uncertainty and imbalance."

Seriously, those who win big at the lottery are known to freak out as a result.


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