Dear Ron,

"Charter schools" are  'public schools' that are run more  from
the 'local level" by the principal and ususally group of PTA
activists and teachers and other school employees  having
varied types of "consultative roles" --but I think in the end
the Principal (Administration) still  casts the deciding voice on
policy - use of local funds mainly and  single "contracts for
teachers that may/may not  countermand the central union bargaining

Charter schools get more say so on budgeting of (local?) $$$  as
opposed to the central/state  bureacracracy running the show -
-'Charters" are championed  by both Democrats of the Clinton stripe
and centrist Republicans  and their repective wings of the 
"business community" supporters--read   powerful sections of capital..

It caters to the "decentraliization of bureacracracy" movement  but
is NO real solution to Public school crisis at all-- there is little 
increase in funds for inner city "charters" --except in wealthier school 
areas where PTAs  can take up a hefty collection of local funds and
local corporations are more likely to issue "grants" or other forms of
monies --but usually with plenty of strings attached. 

Many unions of school employees even support this in a limited way--
as they are never far behind the hind end of the Democratic Party 
"centrist" wing
anyway-- and the unions are beholdedn to the Pols . for perks and 
pork as "rewards" keeping the school employeees as passive as is possible.
Charter schools tend to divide the school employees and pander to 
local indivdualist solutions and are a spike in the concept of school
employee and parent unity as any movement of workers in struggle.
Also recently a few  Charters in LA here  have already contracted out the
work of janitors and cafeteria workers to private firms who pay about
60% the wages and benefits of the redundant School District employees. 

Many of these localist  'panaceas" take the heat off the corporate bosses
tax swindles  carried out in a bi-partisan manner esp. over the last
20 years by the Demopubicans that heve seen the bosses/Corporations tax 
rates vastly reduced and hence the real funding  of most  Public schools 
has been going down --not up --even as the$$$ amounts per year 
show increases , these never keep up with the inflation and the schools 
funding in working class areas has been going down  faster than
in the 'middle class' areas of town-- whilst the petty bourg. stiffens 
local supports to "its "  local schools --or ops out of public schools
for private academies and religious schools.

I think these crises and assaults on the 'public' schools are based
in the over all functions and material interest of  the market and the
needs of the ruiling class in the labor market for workers. Globalization 
and the bosses falling rate of profits problem are making them  rely
more on the use of austerity-- this includes the schools  too where
on workers contributions is going up much faster --whilst capitals goes
but in any case the wealth used is a significant amount of surplus value 
controlled by the bosses and their Government-- for their own class 
purposes of social control and greasing the skids of the needs of the
wage system...


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