Edmonton Journal                   September 5, 1996

Canadian Press

EDMONTON - Alberta is planning to privatize enforcement
of labor standards so workers claiming everything from
unjust dismissal to inadequate maternity leave will
have to take complaints to store-front operations.

Starting early next year, the Conservative government
plans to cut most of its labor standards officers and
pay private operators up to $200 for each labor
complaint they investigate and resolve.

There will also be bonuses for agents who wrap up cases

Labor lawyers are balking at the prospect of for-profit
shops with names such as Labor Laws Are Us.

They say the unprecedented move is akin to privatizing
enforcement of human rights.

"It will be like human rights in Russia used to be,"
Sheila Greckol, president of the Canadian Association
of Labor Lawyers, said Wednesday.

"They had a wonderful code that protected everyone's
rights, but nothing ever happened. We would have in
Alberta an employment standards code on the record with
no effective means of enforcement."

The labor lawyers' association is threatening to file a
complaint to a labor standards tribunal under the North
American Free Trade Agreement.

They say privatization will weaken enforcement of labor
standards in Alberta and give the province an unfair
trade advantage under the trade agreement.

"In theory the Americans don't want a little banana
republic like Alberta having absolutely no labor
standards and giving Alberta that advantage in terms of
trade," Greckol said.

She said the system of bonuses for fast service could
lead to only superficial investigations.

"Does that mean they can open the file, fill out a
complaint, phone the employer, decide there was no
merit to the complaint without doing any meaningful
investigation, close the file and submit the bill to
the department of labor?"

The initiative is designed to cut the province's $2.7
million annual cost for labor standards enforcement,
said a Labor Department spokeswoman.

"It's consistent with the government's plan to move out
into the private sector whenever it makes sense," said
Charlotte Moran.

Privatization will also improve service because many
people find the current system inaccessible and slow,
said Joe Miller, spokesman for Labor Minister Murray

Government workers will still audit the shops and
maintain the right to override decisions, he said.

The Conservative government has privatized everything
from liquor stores to motor vehicles registries in the
last three years.

Greckol supplied a copy of an internal memo from an
Edmonton consultant dated July 15, which said the
government's labor plan "does not appear to be a
realistic concept."

The lawyers' association is working with a group of
labor lawyers in Washington since a complaint would
have to be filed in the United States.

"Whichever country lowers its standards, it's the other
countries that have cause for complaint," said Jeffrey
Sack, head of international affairs for the Canadian
Association of Labor Lawyers.

He said there have been several labor complaints filed
against Mexico, but this would be the first against

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