It almost seems redundant to say that society is a hotbed of
conflicting interests. Sometimes these conflicts erupt in the form
of human beings versus the environment, sometimes they rage in the
form of human beings versus human beings. When looking at this
situation, any concerned human being can only ask: Is there a body
of knowledge which deals with these problems? How does one come to
resolve these matters for the betterment of society? What main
obstacles must society overcome to even have a running chance to
harmonize the individual interests with those of the collective,
and the individual and collective interests with those of the
general interests of society? 
     Historical periods such as the Age of Enlightenment have seen
heroic attempts of humankind to come to grips with the challenges
of nature, resulting in great scientific advances. Also, in the
field of relations between human beings, notions were put forth
that pushed the human quality to the forefront and tackled problems
dealing with the organization of human beings within society. At
this time, Contemporary Marxist-Leninist Thought is precisely the
body of knowledge that allows one to come to grips with the
problems which confront humanity today. In dealing with society, it
necessarily deals with the polity and the role of each member
within it, as well as their respective rights and responsibilities.
It will necessarily deal with human beings' relationship to the
natural environment which it will resolve in the best interests of
all human beings. It will further develop the natural sciences and
in the process open up new fields of scientific discovery. It will
deal with the relations between polities themselves; that is, it
will deal with the relations of nations among themselves in a
fashion which will allow humankind to flourish instead of plunging
helter-skelter towards self-destruction.
     Its main characteristic is the resolution of all the crucial
issues confronting humanity. Precisely for this reason, it is
considered an indispensable guide to action. Every concerned person
interested in changing the present society into a society fit for
human beings must take up Contemporary Marxist-Leninist Thought in
a serious way. 

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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