Sorry I was unclear. I was disagreeing with the positions quoted below
(which I attributed to Sam P), that Lenin and Trotsky were Eurocentrist in
politically important ways and that Stalinism = Eurocentrism. 

Mine wrote:

>Bill Burgess wrote:
>>it was Eurocentric
>>to expect a revolution in Germany in 1918-19

> >3) the Eurocentric policy of the Comintern led to disastrous
>alliances with the bourgeoisie in countries like China, Turkey and

Thanks for the references on the Second Congress discussion, which is what
I was referring to in disagreeing with Sam's suggestion that Lenin and Roy
were in opposite corners on the importance of (or prospects for)
revolutions in the 'colonial' countries. 

(I do think it is half wrong to suggest that Lenin viewed the revolution in
Russia as a democratic revolution against feudalism,  but what we are
discussing here is the alledged role of Eurocentrism.) 

Bill Burgess

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