>  Jim Blaut in his book *The Colonizer's Model of the World* gives a
> partial list
> of what he takes to be core eurocentric theories. I hope he doesn't mind
> me reproducing it here.
> 1. The Neolithic Revolution-- the invention of agriculture and the
> beginnings of a settled way of life for humanity-- occurred in the
> Middle East (or bible lands). This view was unopposed before 1930, and
> is still the majority view.

what's eurocentric about this?- never mind that this is still the 
proven view.
> 2. The second major step in cultural evolution towards modern
> civilization, the emergence of the earliest states, cities, organized
> religions, writing sytems, division of labor and the like, was taken in
> the Middle East.

So? does he mean it had to happen in every corner of the world 
otherwise it is eurocentric. Is he aware that the Middle East is not 
> 3. The Age of Metals began in the Middle East. Ironworking was invented
> in the Middle East or eastern Europe and the "Iron Age" first appeared
> in Europe.

> 4.Monotheism appeared first in the MIddle East.


I would categorized everything else that follows (below) as a simple 
play on the words "invented" or "emerged first". Nothing serious.   
> 5. Democracy was invented in Europe (in ancient Greece).
> 6. Likewise most of pure science, mathematics, philosophy, history and
> geography.

> 7. Class society and class struggle emerged first in the Greco-Roman
> region.
> 8. The Roman Empire was the first great imperial state. Romans invented
> bureacracy, law and so on.
> 9. The next great stage in social evolution, feudalism, was developed in
> Europe, with Frenchmen taking the lead.
> 10.Europeans invented a host of technological traits in the Middle Ages
> which gave them superiority over non-europeans. 
> 11. Europeans invented the modern state.
> 12. Europeans invented capitalism.
> 13. Europeans, uniquely "venturesome", were the great explorers
> "discoverers" etc.
> 14. Europeans invented industry and created the Industrial revolution.
> p7-8.
> Sam Pawlett

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