dear comrades,

i seem to have a different opinion from a few of you in regards to postings
by S. Tell.  I enjoy reading about strike activity, south korean progressive
movement, NATO politics, and some of the other things that S. Tell
posts.  Despite the use of certain adjectives that highlight
his (her?) ideological leanings, I find it refreshing to get some
international perspective on issues of pressing concern for progressives
at a global level.  D. Schniad also shares some interesting postings, which
I may skim, read, or delete at my leisure as well.  If it weren't for the likes
of Tell, Schniad, and Bond, we wouldn't get any international news
from a left perspective.  I am frustrated at some of the more vocal
penl participants for not appreciating the
kernels of information that come with the anti-imperialist rhetoric.
I have neither time nore inclination to count the number of postings made
by the critics of Tell, but there are surely days that their own postings
outnumber those of Tell.

i assume there are lurkers from countries beyond the US who share the
strong anti-imperialist (if not the stalinist) tendencies expressed in
Tell's post, and I would not want to stifle a voice that still
reverbrates among many who do not share the US-eye's view of the world
that many of penl posters do.  Shutting off Tell is being as Stalinist
as a Stalinist.  Requesting a self-imposed limit on postings/day for all
members may be a more civil way to address the problem,(unless the
anarchists among us decide to oppose such a rule!)

in the struggle,
susan fleck

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