On Sat, 19 Oct 1996, Michael Perelman wrote:

> Shawgi, based on a consensus, I am going to ask you to stop posting to
> pen-l.
> I am sorry.  I hope that you understand.
> -- 
> Michael Perelman
> Economics Department
> California State University
> Chico, CA 95929
> Tel. 916-898-5321

Hi Michael, I don't understand your position/decision.  Among other 
things, I thought PEN-L was a democratic forum.

You know as well as I do that many PEN-L subscribers post frequently.

You also know that none of my posts attack or criticize any PEN-L subscriber.

You know that my posts are PEN-L relevant.

Above all, you know that what many consider to be attempts at 
"discussion" are nothing more than extremely hostile and/or 
confrontational efforts.  I am extremely pro-discussion and pro-inquiry 
when the next person is pro-discussion and pro-inquiry.  This is 
precisely why you have had to remind some to stop personal attacks.
At any rate, the PEN-L record will indicate that I have engaged in
exchanges with other PEN-L subscribers.  

Every PEN-L subscriber who wants to initiate a pro-discussion and 
pro-inquiry thread with me can expect an enthusiastic response.

You have not supplied a plausible justification for ejecting me, in my 
estimation.  What, for example, is the consensus you speak of based on?  
The views of the vast majority of PEN-Lers or a fraction of them?  I 
think here it is important to base decisions on just principles.

Please consider my position seriously.  If you feel that I am way off the 
mark, then I will unsubscribe.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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