Susan wrote among other things.
>Shutting off Tell is being as Stalinist
>as a Stalinist.  Requesting a self-imposed limit on postings/day for all
>members may be a more civil way to address the problem,(unless the
>anarchists among us decide to oppose such a rule!)
Count me among the international anarchists. No rules. all this stuff about
pressing the delete key taking a lot of time is just plain..... I can
appreciate people complaining if their mail box is of a finite size. but how
many are in that position? further, the titles he/she puts on his/her posts are
very indicative. the screening process is very easy in fact.

i do agree with doug though that shawgi tell is a strange
communication doesn't at all seem to be what a progressive and active left
movement should be aspiring to. i like to talk to people not at them.

but susan also made a telling point. I have often complained about the
americo-centricity of this list. and sometimes i have tried to inject a world
view. usually, it never runs, b/c the list is hammering away at a discussion of
what toothpaste bill clinton is using or somesuch. or what the fed is doing. 

it is terribly alienating being an australian person on this list at times.
and this alienation reflects in the lack of communication b/tw the americans
and the ROW.

kind regards

         ####    ##       William F. Mitchell
       #######   ####     Head of Economics Department
     #################    University of Newcastle
   ####################   New South Wales, Australia
   ###################*   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ###################    Phone: +61 49 215065
    #####      ## ###            +61 49 215027
                          Fax:   +61 49 216919  

"only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money."
(Cree Indian saying...circa 1909)

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