> Date:          Wed, 4 Dec 1996 13:19:27 -0800 (PST)
> Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:       [PEN-L:7728] Social Security and Sex

> Max S. suggests "more sex with immigrants" as one way to solve 
> the US Social Security system's demographic problem. This seems a 
> good idea (as is sex in general), but it's got to be without the 
> use of birth control. 

And is probably best within the bonds of Holy Matrimony,
but let's move on.

> Getting beyond such frivolity, the point which I should have made 
> clearer was that there has to be some sort of link between 
> contributions to SS or pension funds or private savings and 
> increasing labor productivity (defined in an 
> environmentally-friendly way). That link isn't automatic, even 
> with (or especially with) private saving.

No disagreement here.

> >> it's hard to see the green agenda holding up before the gale 
> forces of social insurance/tax politics.<<

> if it doesn't (and it sure looks as if environmentalism is 
> collapsing), we're going to be in even bigger environmental 
> trouble than we are now. 

Ditto, but I'm more fearful of a collapse of social insurance
in advanced capitalist countries than of a delay in pursuing
the green agenda.  Without some measure of economic
security, I doubt the public can be sold more environmental
quality and natural capital.

Max B. Sawicky            Economic Policy Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          1660 L Street, NW
202-775-8810 (voice)      Ste. 1200
202-775-0819 (fax)        Washington, DC  20036

Opinions above do not necessarily reflect the views
of anyone associated with the Economic Policy

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