>Violence is NOT ok in America, not anymore, thanks to Third Wave

first of all, women are organizing in those societies against
domestic violence TOO. Did you ever attempt to look at the organizational
struggles of Asian feminist women? Women in sex industry ara organized
into unions to articulate their specific concerns. Did you ever look the
struggles of African feminists against female circumcision, and the
adultery laws imposwd by the British capitalists to protect the sexual 
interests of Nigerian, Kenyan men? I myself personally involved in Turkish
feminist movement, and iniated long marches against domestic violence,
mobilizing women's constituency (particulary poor women) at the grass
roots level, which is probably more than what you would do as a
patriarchal man!! Women try to change their lives and empower themselves
within their own limited circumstances, hovewer unavailable options may
seem to to them in the first place. Women are not passive beings.The
reason why they are passive is because men and closet anti-feminists
have made them passsive. I simply advise you to look at the history of
global women's movement. only then can we have a better and rational

second, feminism is no longer as strong as it was in the 70s in the US. It
is partly because feminist concerns have become incorporated into liberal
ruling class agenda (divide and rule mentality so charecteristic of
american pluralism). and third, the rise of religious right and
neo-conservative thinking has once again invited women to kitchen. most of
the gains women earned in the 70s are lost after the 80s: women are again
mothers, wives, working mothers.. but they are still defined in
traditional roles--"mothers"! Mother day is coming, and don't 
you see how the commercials preach motherhood and reinforce
traditional gender practices..

third, you say violence is not OK in the US? are you kidding me? MEDIA IS
not specifiying any society at the moment.But as the far as the society I
am living at the moment is cocerned (US) violence against women, childred,
blacks, other minorities are exteremely normalized!Look at the stats on
abused children and battered women!Just a fee weeks ago, a woman in metro
was raped in front of everbody else (shown on TV), and people did not even
move their ass to stop it---violence is so normalized that it does not
even make any difference between whether a woman is raped or I drop off
the chair..

>By casting women as helpless, lurid victims of global
>techno-conspiratorial males, we're really feeding into a moralizing
>agenda, which takes the unsullied female body as this ahistorical
>starting-point: the photographic inverse of the neoliberal ideology of
>self-perpetuating, frictionless markets.  

This is NOT what I said. i won't repeat what I said. your association of
patriarchy with pure culture without looking at the dynamics of local and
global capitalism to see how they dialetically INTERACT to foster
patriarchy, makes your analysis timeless, changeless and
ahistorical, plus non-marxist and non-feminist..


-- Dennis

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