> From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Feb 24 09:30 PST 1997
> Date:         Mon, 24 Feb 1997 17:02:00 GMT
> Sender: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: "Lawrence, Elizabeth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:      Update on campaign against victimisation of branch secretary at
>               Accrington and Rossendale College
> Update on campaign against victimisation of NATFHE branch secretary at
> Accrington and Rossendale College, Lancashire, England
> Last Monday 17 February, I posted an account of the events at Accrington and
> Rossendale College since last Summer, including the campaign over the rights
> of part-time lecturers and the victimisation of the Branch Secretary,  Pat
> Walsh.  At the time of writing the members of the branch had voted, in a
> secret ballot confirmed by a vote at a branch meeting, to take strike action
> to demand Pat's re-instatement.  I regret to report that since then there
> has been another branch meeting, on 20 February, which voted not to take
> strike action.  No doubt various pressures have been brought to bear on
> union members within the college.  The union meeting on 20 February was
> leafleted by members of the college management.  Pat Walsh, the Branch
> Secretary and the member whose defence was being discussed, was not able to
> be present at the meeting, since the college has barred him from the
> premises.
> The events at Accrington and Rossendale College show how the anti-union laws
> in Britain hamper unions in taking industrial action.  The week's notice
> which unions are required to give employers before starting any industrial
> action has been used by elements in the college to overturn the ballot
> result.  The irony of this situation is that if a trade union loses the vote
> for industrial action, the union cannot then call members out on strike
> following an affirmative vote at a branch meeting.  Such an action would
> immediately lead to a court injunction against the union.
> The campaign against the victimisation must continue, despite the setback
> that the branch feels unable at present to take strike action.  Please
> continue sending letters of protest to the Principal and Chair of Governors.
> Elizabeth Lawrence

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