Yes Ron and Others,

       The LA Living Wage has now gotten passed the veto by Mayor Riordan.
As of Tuesday, it became law, despite Riordan's veto last Friday.  Tell them
in Chicago to get serious.

--Bob Pollin

At 07:45 PM 4/3/97 -0800, you wrote:
>       This is great news!  Its been dead in committee forever in 
>Chicago where they're afraid to bring it up to vote for fear of 
>embarresment as most Alderman supported it - but a Daley a.k.a. the 
>Dictator opposes it they will not let it out of committee.
>I will pass this on.
>In Solidarity,
>Ron Baiman
>Roosevelt U., Chicago
>On Tue, 18 Mar 1997, Robert Pollin wrote:
>>         Finally, some very good news for the left and labor movement.  After
>> a long, bitter struggle, the LA Living Wage ordinance passed 12 - 0, with
>> three abstensions.  Mayor Richard Riordan had promised to veto the
>> ordinance, but with a 12-vote majority, the ordinance is now veto proof!
>>         Though the coverage is still very small--directly probably about
>> 5,000 workers--it should help unions to fight for new wage norms throughout
>> the city.
>>         This victory was the result of an extremely well organized and
>> effective labor/progressive coalition.  Several people at UC-Riverside,
>> including me, worked with the coalition in producing research, including a
>> full scale study, "The Economics of the Los Angeles Living Wage Ordinance."
>>         There are great lessons here about what it takes to win something
>> worthwhile.  One thing is that well-supported appeals to social justice
>> really can be effective at the local level, where the dominance of big money
>> corporate politics is far less pervasive--even in a big city like LA.
>> -- Bob Pollin
>> ********************************************
>> Robert Pollin
>> Department of Economics
>> Univesity of California-Riverside
>> Riverside, CA 92521-0427
>> (909) 787-5037, ext 1579 (office); (909) 788-8106 (home)
>> (909) 787-5685 (fax); [EMAIL PROTECTED] (e-mail)
Robert Pollin                                   
Department of Economics
U. of California-Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521-0427, USA   
(909) 787-5037 ext. 1579 (office); (909) 788-8106 (home)
(909) 787-5685 (fax); [EMAIL PROTECTED] (e-mail)

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