>>> Jim Devine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/18/00 01:28PM >>>

>Draper follows a somewhat controversial position, since he treats Marx and
>Engels totally as a team, with no significant disagreements.  For him,
>"Marx" is sometimes used as short-hand for Marx-and-Engels, though in
>citations he is always clear about which said what.
>CB: Bravo ! Me too. That's not controversial with me.

it's controversial with Hegelian-Marxists, such as the followers of Raya 
Dunayevskaya (sp?), who see Marx as being Hegelian and Engels as not.


CB: Yes, indeedy. Raya D. lived in Detroit for a while, and there is a 
Marxist-Humanist chapter here. I attended a number of their meetings a few years ago, 
and read a number of her books. Alas,  I soon observed what you said. Anti-Engelism is 
a key component of her theory. Lenin fairs a little better. She says Lenin stopped one 
paragraph short in Hegel, but otherwise he did pretty good. Nonetheless, I try to 
learn about Hegel from the Marxist-Humanists.

There are a number of other schools of Marxist thought that claim a big difference 
between Engels and Marx, so I was trying to get a measure of Draper.


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